Just Wondering if anyone knows


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
I herd that there was a good size group of tribesman belonging to the Petara in Giants walk. Is this still true? I feel like I am walking blind in the world of my people. Where do they roam? I no know. So I wonder if they are still there. I herd they were but i do not know if they are still.

I wish to see my people again...


There are indeed some of the Petera that reside in the Giant's Walk, now that the Chimeric prison is no more and the taboo on the place has been lifted. Be careful if you seek to speak with them, for they are those that fell to the words of the Forsaken of Flame and committed atrocities on his orders, though perhaps they have become more respectable in the time since.


May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Seeker of Chimeric Flame

I no think I have ever met you but thank you same. I no know most of these things you say with exception of forsaken. I know of the the forsaken but know little of them. If you can tell me of these things that happened to my people before my time I will thank you very much.

Well, if there is anyone that can tell you about the Forsaken, it would be me. My knowledge on the subject is by no means a secret, though if you would like to discuss them, perhaps we ought to go into more depth in a less public manner.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Feel free to send me a letter. I am try to learn to read the practice will help. Or perhaps a private dreaming if you prefer. I am eager to learn Thing of my people that I didn't learn... before I left.
