

You tracked down dhe banditos wit' your friends, nye? Dhey took a couple tings from me. Not'ing of value to anyone but mysel', but I am willing to pay handsomely for dhem back.

One eez a green necklace.
One eez a purple and silver ring
And One eez a rainbow colored necklace.


May Fortune And Love Find You Where'er,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
For these items returned to me, this is a reminder for anyone who has them, I shall pay the group involved a substantial reward.

Thank you kindly,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
I have the items in my possesion, no reward is nessecary. I look forward to seeing you at the next Market Day, I shall return your items then.

Danka Shen! But alas! I may nye be able to make dhe nex' market day. Jus' keep dhem handy eef you would be so kind and I shall retrieve dhem when I can. All dhese books, all dhese t'ings to be done...I fear I shall ne'er get avay again!
I will... When I see you next I will be sure to get them to you.

Good Travels Gypsy.