Pleaze stop antagonizing zee world ender (little w, little e).
If you have questions about him, please ask us. I theorize zat zee more we interact vith him, zhee more he pushes his will out of his prison...thus gaining more and more strenght, just a theory...but vhy else would he be constantly talking to us vhen he should be allinging his forces to murder face our sanity?
Jehan T Wyldweaver
Marutian Journeyman
Solar's Guild of Wayside
Pleaze stop antagonizing zee world ender (little w, little e).
If you have questions about him, please ask us. I theorize zat zee more we interact vith him, zhee more he pushes his will out of his prison...thus gaining more and more strenght, just a theory...but vhy else would he be constantly talking to us vhen he should be allinging his forces to murder face our sanity?
Jehan T Wyldweaver
Marutian Journeyman
Solar's Guild of Wayside