Keeper Of Secrets


Pleaze stop antagonizing zee world ender (little w, little e).

If you have questions about him, please ask us. I theorize zat zee more we interact vith him, zhee more he pushes his will out of his prison...thus gaining more and more strenght, just a theory...but vhy else would he be constantly talking to us vhen he should be allinging his forces to murder face our sanity?

Jehan T Wyldweaver
Marutian Journeyman
Solar's Guild of Wayside
I agree with the logic behind this theory. It is like he is gaining strength from peoples belief in him.
I can't agree more. We need to stop speaking about or to him publicly in the dreams.
But I have a question. His list. Didn't we kill or capture a few of those people on the list? I know about a few of the Zodiacs we killed and they aren't on the list.
Can someone find out and let me know.

Squire Foss.
I am fairly certain the ones we have already slain were not included on his list of people he would like to see dead for obvious reasons.

We have encounter many of the others, including Duke Monteque.

The most recent encounter include Aries the Goatkin and two others who, if I recall, escaped.

I wasn't antagonizing him! I was just asking him some questions and making conversation! Jeez, relax all of you why don't you, if we don't talk to people how do we learn things about them? Also that's plain rude! What would you say to me if I didn't talk to you huh? Don't be a bunch of jerks! It's not like I told him where everyone was so that he could go and kill them!

-Keeper of Secrets,
Librarian of Fairfax Library and also apparently the only polite adventurer.

P.S. Not that any of you care at all, but his REAL name is Bob Jebbadiah "Moose Hands" Kaz'ik. But I guess you don't care because you're just never gonna talk to him and get up on your high horse because you're too good to talk to people and anyone who tries to make pleasant conversation is just a dumb idiot who's provoking the bad guy into trying to murder us all.
Also! I only antagonized Cha'ka because he was a big dumb jerk who said he was gonna kill all my friends and he deserved it! So ya know what Jehan, I'll talk to whoever I wanna talk to! I don't need your permission!

-Keeper of Secrets
Librarian of Fairfax Library
You just got told Jehan...


I'll show you told... :)


How quickly you forget zee conversations we've had and zee respect I hold for you...

If you'll note zee please you may find zat I vas givin you a warning about see nature of zhis creature because he has no desire to have an even keeled discussion. he is using you.

He vill engage you in conversation because he is zee stuff of nightmares and zee more you speak to him zee more you make him real. Zat is vhat I wanted to warn you about.

In most circumstances I counsel folks to chat vith zee bad guy. Someone as clever as you might learn critical thing vithout giving anything away and you are normally smart enough and mature enough to know vhat you are getting into and vhen you need help or not. I also trust zat you know you can always turn to us for help. In this circumstance, everything ve have done so far has empowered him and made him stronger... Zee more you interact vith him the stronger he becomes. Please hold this in consideration for he has already been made strong enough. You are right, speak to whomever you wish. Provided zat that conversation doesn't spell all of our dooms i would encourage it even for zee aforementioned reasons and you need not have my permission but you normally vould have my support. In this case, please, again zee the word, heed my warning. Too many others have not.

I said nothing about your Cha'ka discussion because I fervently hold hope zat you might be successful in pissing him off enough zat he makes a mistake and then... Vee can easily handle him.

In closing, on manners, was my request rudely worded? Is it in keeping vith good manners to call ones allies jerks or insinuate zat they don't take time to talk to folks or try to resolve situations peacefully? In either case, if were affronted by my attempt to help, please accept my apologies and in zee future feel free to address me respectfly vith your concerns.

Peace to you my friend.

Jehan Wyldweaver
Oh... Um... Sorry Jehan... It's ok, but you didn't say a lot and I assumed you were just like "Don't talk to him because he's evil!" Yeah, he privately contacted me and he's really really really weird, don't worry, I didn't tell him anything, he just said a bunch of stuff about "Bringing eternal peace" and "ridding the world of death and sadness" I dunno, he sounds kinda creepy, I think I'm gonna avoid him. I just thought it might be a good idea to talk to him because I didn't know anything about him and everything I heard is vague other than "Call him bob." Don't tell him where Aquari is, that'd be super bad and I'd be super sad if he killed her.

How does he get more powerful from people acknowledging him? I mean, that doesn't really make any sense to me, how can you be powerful just because people know about you? I mean, maybe he could become famous, but powerful doesn't make sense.

-Keeper of Secrets
Librarian of the Fairfax Library.

vater under zee bridge my friend...I agree and I vill share what I am allowed in a seperate area, many people have not been told much about Ka'zick, zee zodiacks, or vere he/they came from. Partly zat is because of misinformation, information hoarding, poor leadership on our part (as the more experienced adventurers) and partly because some do not vish to discuss it for many reasons, fear, embarassement, etc. To be fair, long haz zee problem of one or two people knowing and hoarding information rather than sharing and resolving problems more quickly plagued this community as a whole. You are correct, more people should be told, but vill not until we (as a community) undertake to all grow up and realize zat the world iz not about us and vhen some few people come to realize zat they create more havok vith their childish tactics zhan they resolve.

In this case, true information on Kazik is tricky to share and in some cases illegal. Kazik managed to trick/fool/bribe/etc his way into zhis world and managed to misdirect several prominent members of zhis community into allowing it to happen. I can't share everything zat I know but I will share vhat I can.

It vould be best if zhee adventurers vould label someone (or a small group) as being zee "main contacts" for all information and questions, a person (or small group) tasked vith trying to slowly advance zhee solution to this problem each gather, and tasked vith disseminating information about such. Come to think of it...zhat could work for most major problems.

Jehan T Wyldweaver

I would prefer that we stop using his name in the vault. Our dreams are protected by Eric's spirit and since the realms of astral and dream are his domain, I don't want Eric to have his spirit shattered.

I started using the psedoname Bob so that it would take him longer to discover our conversations.

I will post more of my investigation soon.

Lady FallingStar
We can use his name in here as long as we don't speak it in the conversation where you admit people to this vault. He can't get in unless we say it there. And NOBODY's gonna say that Liddia. I mean, that would be really really really really dumb.

-Keeper of Secrets
Librarian of Fairfax Library

People are zat stupid sometimes...myself included.

...I want to retort to that... But I think that everything about that statement is correct... No offense of course... I mean... I'm dumb sometimes too... But I think that you're super right on that...
