Kid's Event Report

Okay, we had the kid's event this past week-end and it was unbelievably awesome. We had 15 kids and about a dozen full-time NPCs. The kids ranged in age from 5 (Rob/Raven's most awesomest five-year-old named Gryffin) to 12, but they all worked together in both combat and in figuring out how to defeat the evil GoblinKing.

The kids had so much energy that they ran through our first day's events by 2:30 in the afternoon (it was suppose to take them all day!), so we had to adjust on the fly to keep them busy and entertained which just added to the game. Also, the kids had a very steep learning curve. They quickly learned how to use the rules to their advantage. An example: One youngster was stuck by a Pin spell, so when a goblin spell-caster started tossing Pins at others near him, he'd stick out his shield and "eat" the spells. ("I was already Pinned, so it wasn't going to do anything to me," he told me later).

The event ended with glorious victory as the kids captured the evil GoblinKing and stuck him in the stockade where they proceeded to throw chunks of watermelon at him (yes, *real* watermelon chunks!).

I am as sore and tired as a regular HQ event, but my thanks goes out to everyone who participated, especially those who came to NPC even though they don't have kids (thank you Tim & Marissa, Mike & Maria Engler, and Tim Gailey!). We are hoping to hold one more this summer, maybe in August, so let me know if you're interested!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
OMG thats so Mighty!

It sounds like the kids have a better grasp on the game then me!
two questions
who was the goblin King that got chunks thrown at them?
and did the goblin king have a crown on him? (heard that they sometimes do)

For all to know: Adam (little wolf, Inar) is still so thrilled about this weekend that he cried when he left my place this morning. He wants all to know that he had "the best time in his whole whole life killing goblins and finding the key". And he wants to give a special shoutout to the goblin he beat in honor combat.

I want to give a sincere thanks to everyone who made this kid's event possible. To the good sport NPCs, especially Mr. Goblinking who allowed the kids to throw things at him, and everyone who allowed themselves to become 'thing to hit manymanyMANY times'. I myself had a great time being there, had a great time running around with the kids. And running around with the adults too. I got some fights on camera, but it will be a while until it's accessible because it's not a digital camera, so the film will need to be transferred over.

Also, it was a chance for my mommy dearest to see what her only daughter does on the weekends. Now, she officially thinks it's 'pretty cool'. :) SCORE!

And yes. Not only do I think this kind of event should repeat, I think it should repeat in August. And I will be more than happy to help prepare the thing. Goblinking revenge......must have more plot.

And yes. The kids solved the plot so fast, we will have to have MUCH more plot next time. ....A lot more. Because if there's no plot, then all adults present must become moving targets by default to keep them entertained. :lol:

I hope the adventures of the Young Hero's is part of the next newsletter
it would be a thrill for years down the line a older adventurer pointing to the newsletter and saying "that was me I was there at 12!"

IvanDrake said:
An example: One youngster was stuck by a Pin spell, so when a goblin spell-caster started tossing Pins at others near him, he'd stick out his shield and "eat" the spells. ("I was already Pinned, so it wasn't going to do anything to me," he told me later).

I think that kid is my new hero.

And probably Dave Balsome's as well.
tieran said:
IvanDrake said:
An example: One youngster was stuck by a Pin spell, so when a goblin spell-caster started tossing Pins at others near him, he'd stick out his shield and "eat" the spells. ("I was already Pinned, so it wasn't going to do anything to me," he told me later).

I think that kid is my new hero.

And probably Dave Balsome's as well.

I think it actually was Dave Balsome. Hard to tell from a distance though since they're all about the same height :P
If we ever want to roll the town just send these kids out with Waylay. I got nailed 5 or 6 times and never saw it comming.

Ragnar said:
I think it actually was Dave Balsome. Hard to tell from a distance though since they're all about the same height :P

Ohhhh. Good point.
Walgar said:
If we ever want to roll the town just send these kids out with Waylay. I got nailed 5 or 6 times and never saw it comming.


Yeah, there were two kids with Waylay. One was Dan and Missy's son Ian who was an awesome Kiergani and the other was my oldest son Zachy who named his character "Sneaky."

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
my oldest son Zachy who named his character "Sneaky."



Did you try to get him to repent?
So did anybody get pics of the wee ones kicking some goblin arse?
The Young Miss.Ward got alot of pics and some film of the gingerbreadman mod.

My wife got some pics as well, so I'll see if I can figure out how to post them. If someone is skilled at posting pics (I am definitely not) and wants to help me out, I can e-mail the pics to them for posting.

--- Eric Stehle / IVan Drake
IvanDrake said:
My wife got some pics as well, so I'll see if I can figure out how to post them. If someone is skilled at posting pics (I am definitely not) and wants to help me out, I can e-mail the pics to them for posting.

--- Eric Stehle / IVan Drake

I'd be happy to give you a hand.

Shoot me a PM if you still need assistance.
Walgar said:
The Young Miss.Ward got alot of pics and some film of the gingerbreadman mod.


Actually, I am the Miss Ward. My mother is Ms. Spry.

She refused to change her name when my father and her married :D

My mother has hold of the film of the gingerbread mod, and a part of the was-supposed-to-be-shorter battle in which the kids were supposed to parley and speak with the goblins......but instead just killed every green thing on sight for an hour. Vicious vicious little kids.

Video from the Kids Event (gotta tell her to change it to Alliance :P )


I think thats the gobhlin from the matrix LOL

kids look like they did fantastic
some going down when they get hit show a high level of maturity!
