Kids Event?


I know this is early but I was wondering if there was a date for the kids event next year? I had to work this year and since my son found out you held a kids event,he has been bugging me. *face palm* I let it slip before i had info. If there is a date or even a guestimation. That would be great. And any info on how one of these events works would also be welcome.
Hey, John! We have not yet planned out when the 2015 Kids' Event will take place, but I assure you that we'll post here as soon as we know. For further questions, Kathy Rosenblatt is the Kids' Campaign coordinator for HQ and I'm certain she'd be glad to help you!
Hi John, I don't have a date yet, as we need to coordinate with Faire Play's schedule. Since there's interest early and it really does help out everyone if it's set sooner rather than later, I will work on getting the ball rolling with Scott and Mike and pin something down. I will post as soon as I have info. In the meantime, I can definitely add you to the Alliance Kids Campaign FB page that's set-up. Let me know if you are on FB or send me a friend request.

Looking forward to seeing you!!

Ok, that was fast! Just had Mike confirm we can have August 7-9th. Mark your calendars! :)

Thanks to Faire Play for adding this into the very full schedule!!!
Beat. I am supposed to work. Guess I am gonna have to try getting some time off.