Squire Foss,
I vill make awaken scrolls, and prepare a few should we seek to engage zee's minions. I've sent word to Torg to gauge zee strenght of this band of elementals. I'll be happy to lend a hand and a few awaken scrolls to zee group that gets tagged to go. If torg zays zis must be handled by a more experienced hand, zhen I'll lend you my spells and blade.
I vould consider alligning golems against zhis type of elemental, as they are immune to commands, but I take pause:
1) Some have greater command effects vhich could mean enslavement and an enslaved golem iz bad. (zat is my mark for understatement of the month)
2) I'd prefer to hold golems in reserve for a vhile.
While zee world ender (little w, little e), may know I have one, he has not dealt vith adventurers in golems. As Journeyman Crawford prepares to make his, and if Tetz returns, I vill suggest ve try to avoid golem riding in preperatory battles for zee time being to maximize zee potential returns during a more trying fight. Pleaze tell me your thoughts.
Jehan T Wyldweaver
Marutian Journeyman