Krieger and Slice

I don't know where The Path is taking you, but I am leaving Crossroads for a short time, and wanted to say something.
I don't speak much, I never saw a point to it and it was never welcome;
When I reached Crossroads, I was skeptical of the "adventurers" there. Most of them seemed, to me, to be bloodthirsty louts who wouldn't deserve the steel to put through them. I felt neither need nor inclination to lift a finger to help them.
Then I met you and Slice. By your words, by your actions, by your very existence, you two both were valid reasons to finally get involved, to care what happened.
Granted, I felt driven to seek vengeance against whatever piece of the Strega had attacked and 'killed' me in that horrible dream-state. But going to the Valdi Estates; fighting the Devourer; offering my aid to you with Yanco and your other personal interests; even defending Pearl's ritual from the Finfolk: When I fought, I fought for you.
If either of you ever need my sword at your side, you need only ask.