Labor Day Event 2011!

Alliance Seattle's next event is September 2-5 at Camp Sheppard. This is a 3-day long event over Labor Day weekend.

You may Pre-Pay this event by using Paypal to send $72.50 to Don't forget to put down your character name. You may Pay-no-Play by sending payment to this address as well. Do not send your pre-registration to this address. Pre-Pay pricing ends August 19th. In order to qualify for the Pre-Pay price (so that you do not owe money at the door), you must also Pre-Register. Pre-Registration must be sent to by August 26th.

If you Pre-Register by August 26th but do not Pre-Pay, your at-the-door price will be $80. If you neither pre-pay nor pre-register the cost at-the-door will be $90.
Advanced pages pre-pay $42.50 and pay at the door either $50 with pre-registration or $60 without.
Basic pages pre-pay $32.50 and pay at the door either $40 with pre-registration or $50 without.

If you intend to NPC, the cost will be $30 at-the-door if you let plot know you will be attending by August 19th, or $35 at-the-door if you do not. Guild NPCs pay only $15 to cover their food.

NPC Guild, please keep an eye on the NPC Guild Forums, we'll be posting plot information there ahead of time. NPC Guild members are assumed to be attending, please inform us if you are not!
PCs, If you have plot questions or submissions, get them in, the earlier the better! We're changing our downtime to reflect a 2 week buffer before the event, so get your submissions in before August 19th!

Current list of Pre-Pays received as of: August 20th, 2011:
Adam S
Bryan G
Barbara M
Ryan W
Joe H
Kim M
Raven M
Gavin V
Sean G
David K
Courtney B
Seth B
Nick B
James G
Holly P

Isaac H
David V (PnP)
Oh man! Pre-Pay ends in a week and a half! Pre-Reg ends right after that! Downtimes have to be in by the end of next week!
Remember that if you want to do anything in downtime that involves NPCs that you send in a downtime!
If someone sends in something that says "Me and Frank are heading to Bubblenut Island," and Frank doesn't send in anything, even if he told you that he wants to go with you, Frank doesn't go, he gets nothing.

Other things to keep in mind: Our last event was only 6 weeks before the upcoming event. Traveling across Andar takes around three and a half weeks, assuming that it can even be done (not everywhere is passable! There's a war going on still!) Even on horses, it takes nearly the entire amount of downtime you have to make long-distance trips without stops, so make sure that your downtime is reasonable for the amount of time that you have. If you attended the SF event or are splitting your downtimes between multiple chapters, keep that in mind as well. Remember to mention if you'll be attending the Council of Counties! There will be some IG information posted on a number of topics in the coming days so that information can be used before you submit your downtimes if you like, or to update your downtimes if you've already sent it in.
Sorry, I forgot that last time, too. I updated the original post with the following lines:
Advanced pages pre-pay $42.50 and pay at the door either $50 with pre-registration or $60 without.
Basic pages pre-pay $32.50 and pay at the door either $40 with pre-registration or $50 without.
You've only got two more days until the Pre-Pay deadline, which is also the Downtime deadline!
Get those in soon, and be kind to Seth and send in your Pre-Registration as soon as you can! Pre-reg deadline is next week!
If your character's home chapter is Oregon, please send in your build expenditures as soon as possible.

Pre-reg for Seattle closes this Friday and I will be transferring Oregon characters this weekend to Seattle Logistics.

Transfer Requests I have received so far are:
Adam S. - Avaran
Leigh-Ann M. - Kiarra
Cymryc - Daylynn
Aodhan - Loclyn
Ryan W - Luke
Kim M - Aysel
Raven M - Malcom
Mike L - Killian
Paul V - Poxy
Brittany - Takara

If you believe you should be on this list then email Oregon Logistics at