Large order


San Francisco Staff
I am looking for master potion makers, and other merchant men for a rather substantial order, that with proper pricing, and quality of service could turn into a regular customer. Please contact me at the
Velati estate in private

-Sir Krieger, Inquisitor General.
I need shield magic potions like they are going out of style, cureatives all shapes, and sizes, awakens, restore limbs too, purify's by the dozen...magic armors too.

I'd say a score at least of all of the above.
krieger said:
I need shield magic potions like they are going out of style, cureatives all shapes, and sizes, awakens, restore limbs too, purify's by the dozen...magic armors too.

I'd say a score at least of all of the above.


Stop by this Friday evening, I will be in the Merchant's Quarter. I should be able to supply you with much of what you need save the purifies and awakens.

Yes, a score is twenty... as in ..."how many ales have you got"?

Thank you Polare, though I hope that will leave you with enough...
nice to know you are still paying attention. Yes I could always go for ale, though i will have some liquors, and other strange brews in a few days that I've collected while traveling.