Last breath of a True Hero

does anyone have information on this thing? I have no idea what it is and it could be used to remove corruption. i would desire to find one, but first need to know what it is before i can figure out where to find one.

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Why not ask the magical question bottle come winter?
Dis be known as a Catalyst, an it beh a foundation bit fo a powaful ritual. Dhis one do be a rare one too, I not be know'n 'ow to get it. Keep ya eyes an ea's open fo whispa's dhat might lead tah one.

Goo' Luk mah frien,

Hengin, The Unforgiven
Knowing you, my friend, Hengin, I'm surprised you still haven't found a way to convert all those daggers you ordered from me into some kind of all powerful substitute yet...

- Tazoulti

Magical Bottle?


Any way to find out what ritual it goes to? Also im curious where this was found.


Not a clue tah where it am be foun' but I look inta mah notes an writ'ns see if a am be able tah find dah ritual it use fo'. I dhink it meh beh fo dah ritual dhat should not beh spoken of in dhe dream, as it beh powaful an many may am want tah take it fo dhemselves.

Hengin, The Unforgiven