Last caravan out.

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Hamish marches from cabin to cabin making his way to the tavern, knocking on each door and announcing the departure of the last caravan to Calanhelm on the morning after next. "Have your gear and your animals ready or you'll be making the trip by yourself," he yells to the Breach as his final goodnight.
Kai, having all her possessions packed into bundles, mills around on the edge of the square, waiting to see who is around.
"Looks like a beautiful day for traveling," Hamish says to no one in particular. He raises his voice to the Brotherhood barracks, "You lot, get your gear it's time to go." He shoulders his bags, grabs L'il Bastard's reins and strides forth into the morning light. His commanding voice rings out,"Last caravan out of Parson's Breach leaves from the Commons as soon as the Home Guard arrive through the portal." He repeats this several times as he makes his way to the marketplace and the portal. Hamish is quite ready to relinquish command of the outpost for another winter.
The Portal hums and shimmers. As expected a contingent of Home Guard step through, lead by a Captain.

"Secure the Breach. Check on supplies. Get these folks moving out before the next snow falls and burries the King's Highway." His men and women begin to scatter, checking on the front gate and other defenses. Some head into the tavern to begin their inventory on the supplies.

The Captain makes his way along the cabins, checking them for stragglers and securing them as need be.
Running his hand through his newly shaven mohawk Sarryn grabs his gear and sets out to meet the caravan, but not before stopping by the pyre that held Krow and collecting some of the ashes and saying a few words in respect to his good friend.
"Enjoy your stay in the Breach, Cap'n. Alright, you heard the man, let's move out." With that Hamish mounts up and begins the long trip to Calanhelm.
And with a final wave and salute the Captain and his guards close the gate and begin barring it from the inside.
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