Last Goodbye


I'm sorry I missed you this weekend. There was a camping trip for my marine biology class, and it would have sucked to miss. I was hoping to announce this in person, but it looks like that won't be an option. I'm sorry.

This may sound a bit sudden, but I will be leaving the northwest for a few years come September. I am about to graduate from college, and I have my next four years planned out. I was looking at the United States Coast Guard as a backup, in case I can't find any other work. Frank, my recruiting officer, told me about all the positions I can hold. One of them was called Marine Science Technitian. It involves pretty much everything I've been studying at the UW, but I get to see the world while I do environmental work, not stay stufed up in a lab staring at a spreadsheet for eight hours. I've had lab jobs, and they were none too glamorous. After hearing about the MST position, I'm not just going to join the reserves while I search for a lab job. I'm going active duty! I'm not even going to bother with applying to Zymo and all those places. I think I've found my calling!

Anyway, I just found out last week that I can ship out for basic training on September 6th. I'm doing it!

This position involves lots of interesting things. Mainly, I will be enforcing environmental protection laws, cleaning up oil spills, and the like. Also, they might decide to station me on an ice breaker vessel at one of the poles.

Also, I will apply for Officer Candidate School. They tell me that entrance is very competitive, but I scored extremely high on the entrance exam, so I should have a fighting chance, especially after I have some service time. Hey, the next time you see me, you could be looking at a full up lieutenant! It's a long shot, but it could happen if I really rock!

While I look forward to the next chapter of my life, it will be hard for me to say goodbye to all my friends here. I'm sorry I never got my character done. I've had him in the works for over a year now, but he may have to wait for a long, long time now. It looks like there aren't any more weekend events between now and then. I will try my hardest to make the two remaining game days. I would encourage anyone that wants to say goodbye to me to show up to these. I might throw a party shortly before I leave, if anyone is interested in that. I haven't worked out the details of it yet, but I will keep you all informed.

I just pray to God that I find a new group of friends as good as the ones I will be leaving.
Tom said:
I'm sorry I missed you this weekend. There was a camping trip for my marine biology class, and it would have sucked to miss. I was hoping to announce this in person, but it looks like that won't be an option. I'm sorry.

This may sound a bit sudden, but I will be leaving the northwest for a few years come September. I am about to graduate from college, and I have my next four years planned out. I was looking at the United States Coast Guard as a backup, in case I can't find any other work. Frank, my recruiting officer, told me about all the positions I can hold. One of them was called Marine Science Technitian. It involves pretty much everything I've been studying at the UW, but I get to see the world while I do environmental work, not stay stufed up in a lab staring at a spreadsheet for eight hours. I've had lab jobs, and they were none too glamorous. After hearing about the MST position, I'm not just going to join the reserves while I search for a lab job. I'm going active duty! I'm not even going to bother with applying to Zymo and all those places. I think I've found my calling!

Anyway, I just found out last week that I can ship out for basic training on September 6th. I'm doing it!

This position involves lots of interesting things. Mainly, I will be enforcing environmental protection laws, cleaning up oil spills, and the like. Also, they might decide to station me on an ice breaker vessel at one of the poles.

Also, I will apply for Officer Candidate School. They tell me that entrance is very competitive, but I scored extremely high on the entrance exam, so I should have a fighting chance, especially after I have some service time. Hey, the next time you see me, you could be looking at a full up lieutenant! It's a long shot, but it could happen if I really rock!

While I look forward to the next chapter of my life, it will be hard for me to say goodbye to all my friends here. I'm sorry I never got my character done. I've had him in the works for over a year now, but he may have to wait for a long, long time now. It looks like there aren't any more weekend events between now and then. I will try my hardest to make the two remaining game days. I would encourage anyone that wants to say goodbye to me to show up to these. I might throw a party shortly before I leave, if anyone is interested in that. I haven't worked out the details of it yet, but I will keep you all informed.

I just pray to God that I find a new group of friends as good as the ones I will be leaving.

You will be missed! Best of luck to you on your new journey in life. Please try to stay in touch. *hug*
1. never believe a recruiter
2. never believe a recruiter
3. you get the picture...

That being said, good luck in your new service! I think it is important to give back to our country in one form or another, whether through community service or military service. Now if we could just make it like Germany, where everyone does 1-2 years of service before University, then gets a free education. ;)
Dave said:
1. never believe a recruiter
2. never believe a recruiter
3. you get the picture...

Oh, I know. I'm making sure to get everything in writing before I commit. But thanks for the advice!

And the whole lieutenant thing, is really unlikely to happen anytime soon. Most people graduate with a mere 'Ensign' title.
Actually you'll probably graduate from Book Camp as an E-3, Seaman. IF you make it into O.C.S. then you'd graduate as an Ensign. One thing about boot camp, it's designed to "break" your way of thinking and force you to conform to their way of thinking.
Wow, cool on you tom!! I second Dave (Never trust a recruiter) but that does sound like your calling. Good luck!
