Last minute donation requests

NPC Camp needs snacks and hydration and energy
Got to keep us going to keep you going ;)

Needs are:

Granola Bars, individual packs of nuts/trail mix and the like

Bottled water, Gatorade and the like

Power drinks (ie 5 hour energy)

(almost anything high energy snack wise, please no soda or carbonated drinks)

Any help earns da extra gobbies!!!

I'll see what I can bring let me know if you need any NPC help.

Holly Rob and I will be bringing drinks for you for NPCdom. So count us in for extra gobbies :).

I can get granola and water.

See you at the event


PS am i picking anyone up? Cadillac or otherwise?
Do you need any of this stuff for the June 12th event? If you do, I'd be happy to bring some gatorade, granola, etc.
I can say that they are pretty set on water atm. But yeah if you wanna bring them granola stuffz or gatorade for sure in bottles etc they could use that still.
Ok :). I am sure the NPC's will love you for it :).
