Last minute ride request


Due to current ride not departing till 10-midnight on Friday, is anyone available to pick me up from Maple Grove, its a strait shot from my house, jumping on 94 west.
I also have Nick with me and he "MIGHT" have to be picked up from Anoka, right behind the Walmart off of 10 and Roundlake. (depends on if I can get him to my hoosen)
I might be able to get you. Could you pich in for gas?
Perhaps, PM me your phone number and I'll check in with you at 5:00 to see if you have a ride (and how many people Denise and I are carrying). I think we'll have room for 2 if we seat somebody in the middle.
I'm not taking anyone but I've still gotta carry the tavern stuff up this weekend. I might be able to bring you back down though- after the food isn't taking up all of my space. Talk to me at game and we can try and work it out if you want.
