Lay On April 2013

Hey Guys,

We want to try something new tomorrow to both help people get into game a bit fast but also to help the plot team roll our some plots and needed RP before we get the main show rolling.

We will be employing a "soft lay on" method to game and asking that as players run through logistics, they get into garb then into game quickly so we can fit all the fun stuff into game.

During the soft lay on, you may use any game skills on each other or NPCs but no mainline plots or major town encounters. A few npcs may trickle out as light warmup combat (mostly to help ensure safer fighting later in the night).

Once we have reached critical mass and gotten all the information needed to PCs we will be calling a mass hold at the tavern for our typical "Listen up PC talk" our goal is to get this in and done so we can jump into the action right away. The PC talk will be held at the tavern so if you could try to resolve whatever business you have and migrate down there that might help speed things up.


Paul F.
Head of Plot
When will folks start showing up at camp, and when will check in be open? My group is hopeing to arrive between 6-7pm yourtime, taking a little time off of work to do so.

Extra commisioned crap I am bringing:
4 swords of varying length of Vornae manufacture
1 trickle blade dagger (non-combat purposes, unless approved)
2 halberds
1 hammer

Other stuff for donation/trade:
extra shields
extra blades
Also this nifty mask that I picked up, thinking might be good for someone as a golem or construct, its designed for airsoft and can take a 500 fps 0.20 bb to the eye socket with no damage, so its tough stuff.

We should be onsite by 6 with logistics open as soon as I can get unloaded.
