LCO effect and Clarifications 2014 season

Hey Guys got a couple of rules clarrifications concern some thing you guys can expect to encounter this season. Several of these are very limited effects but should still be made clear for your review.

Roleplaying Note:

Many of these powers are not familiar to the PCs and should be roleplayed as such. The rules are being posted here OOG for your convinience OOG. This specifically means you are not aware of the solution IG unless you have experienced this. Please play this appropriately.

Petrify will render the victim of the effect to be trapped in a statue like fashion for 10 minutes. It can be removed with a dispel magic or DM ritual. The victim will unaffected by any game effects except for dispel, 2 shatters, or 1 destroy.

If shattered or destroyed the person will receive a death effect and begin their death count.

If left unattended the person will resurrect after 10 minutes.

A dispel will remove the effect without any side effect.

This effect may be defended by standard deliver defenses such as spell-shield for a magic petrify or magic armor if swung. It may also be defended as per an eldrich force effect.

Dragon Magic/Fea Delivered Ritual affects

All ritual effects not cast within a circle (dragon magic/fea curses/etc) last 5 days or less (based on the lenght dictated by the ritual) unless otherwise noted by the NPC at the time of casting. In addition, all these effects are considered LCO unless otherwise noted by plot.

For example:

Bart swears aliegance to the Fea Lord Galleous in exchange for immediate aid in destroying a roving band of Undead. Lord Galleous graps his staff and intones "I call upon the powers of winters wind to create this +8 Undead Reaver" The npc then hands a temporary tag to Bart for a 5 day +8 undead reaver and he can go on his merry way destroying undead for the rest of the event.

Please send all questions via PM.


Updated 6/30/14:

Arcane Suppression

This ability renders all magic items and effects temporarily unusable for 10 minutes, as if they were depleted of magic. At the end of 10 minutes, the magic will come back to it's original state and can be used again. Eldrich Force effects currently out such as Walls of Force, Circles of Power, Wards etc will drop, but come back up after 10 minutes. If a Ritual is being cast at the time, this would cause a backlash.

Arcane Suppression will always be delivered by a Voice Radius call. It cannot be avoided by any means, as it is a large pulse of energy that disables magic items and effects (think an EMP). Spells in memory are not affected, and can still be used. Effects present on a persons spirit, such as Spirit Link, Regeneration, and other ritual effects will still remain on the person.

Golems will take the effect of a Shun. This effect is not magical in nature.

Note--This ability will always be called during a Hold after a certain sentence is stated loudly by the NPC.


Petrify will render the victim of the effect to be trapped in a statue like fashion for 10 minutes. It can be removed with a dispel magic or DM ritual. The victim will unaffected by any game effects except for dispel, 2 shatters, or 1 destroy.

If shattered or destroyed the person will receive a death effect and begin their death count.

If left unattended the person will resurrect after 10 minutes.

A dispel will remove the effect without any side effect.

This effect may be defended by standard deliver defenses such as spell-shield for a magic petrify or magic armor if swung. It may also be defended as per an Eldrich force effect.


Discontinued 2015
Devour Dreams
LCO Effect: Devour Dreams

Devour Dreams is an ability that certain creatures will use on an unconscious or dying body. It will always be delivered by a 3 count on the Torso. Unlike a killing blow, it will bring the PC to 0 body, give them an Amnesia effect and put them unconscious for 10 minutes. They can be woken up by normal means, and the amnesia can be cured within 10 minutes per normal rules. While under the effects of Devour Dreams each night you will experience significant nightmares of your worst fears. This should be RP’d accordingly when you wake up after sleeping.

Plot may at any point notify you of an unavoidable Sleep effect (as if touch cast and accepted). It may not be resisted, cloaked or avoided by any IG means. However, at this time, certain events will happen until you are woken up. The rest can be found out in game, and/or by simply asking other PCs who recognize this effect.

If you are not “cured” of Devour Dreams after 4 months, your body will dissipate as if received a "touch cast and accepted Magic Shatter Spirit". This will take place in real time via a live encounter; however it does not need to be cured at an event, so there is no worrying if you can’t make an event, however if Plot is not made aware that you’ve been cured, your body may dissipate sometime during your next physical event after the 4 months and you will receive a death on your card (after 4 months has gone by uncured). It's as simple as saying "I took this action to remove this disease" in an IBGA.

We will not give this death offscreen, so if you were infected and didn't return to Chicago for 2 years, you'd have the effect take place sometime during your next actual present game.
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Transparency Clarification:

I changed some wording in this document and the official LCO document for this effect. It still remains the exact same and the time frame remains. However I wanted to emphasize that the “Shatter Spirit” event will be an actual event in game, and has a chance to be interrupted/stopped temporarily. To be 100% transparent, an example situation is listed below.

Enan becomes infected in May and doesn’t find himself cured by the Oct 3rd event. Sometime Saturday Enan receives an Arcane Sleep. At that time, a Nightmare Elemental spawns around Enan and begins to Devour his Spirit. It is loud, it looks like a killing blow and will proceed with, “I Devour your Spirit 1…2…3…4…5.”. Once 5 is reached, Magic Shatter Spirit will be given. If Enan had a Spell Shield at the time, it would go off per normal Touch Cast spell rules. At this time, the elemental would start the Devour all over again. If the Elemental is killed it will simply dissipate. However it may return after 24 hours at the event. If the Oct 31st event comes around and Enan still has not been cured, then the same situation will likely take place. It can happen anytime at an event, be it during lunch, on a mod, or while you’re alone in the woods.
Bumped for reference.

Please note Devour Dreams will not be used for 2015 season.

Thank you.