LCO Effects for the 2015 Season!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks,

Please try to familiarize yourself with the following three LCO effects, each of which you may encounter this season in the Southern Minnesota chapter! We do clarify these at each game, but the more people know them, the less time we need to take pre-game to do so and the faster we can get the event started. For your convenience, some examples have been provided to help clarify how the effect works. If you have any questions about the following effects, feel free to post them here and our staff will be glad to answer them for you.



Return is a defensive that you may hear NPCs call when hit by a martial skill, spell, etc. The spell/skill is effectively treated as if it had been Cloaked (so that the target does not take the effect), but then the skill is returned to the user's card and can be used after 5 minutes (see Example 1). If a creature Returns a spell or other effect that a person has multiple uses of, other uses of that effect can be used before the 5 minutes until the original charge can be used is up (see Example 2). Any effects used from a production item (such as a battle magic scroll, alchemical gas, etc.) that are Returned are simply expended and cannot be used again (see Example 3). This also applies to Magic Item charges, which are not returned (see Example 3).

Example 1: Talitha runs behind a tough creature and calls "Terminate!" The monster calls "Return," not taking her Terminate, but Talitha can use her Terminate again after 5 minutes.
Example 2: Asher casts a Shatter at a creature that calls "Return", so he must wait 5 minutes to re-use that Shatter spell. However, if Asher had more than one Shatter remaining in memory, he could continue to cast the other Shatter spell slots.
Example 3: Lilly casts a Flame Bolt from a scroll at a monster, Benjamin chucks a Paralysis Gas at the same monster, and Briar activates an Elemental Ice Burst from a magic item and throws it at the same monster. The monster calls "Return, Return, Return," and since Lilly, Benjamin, and Briar used production/magic items, none of the effects are renewed to them in 5 minutes.



Echo is a brand new LCO effect for our chapter! Echo is an effect that you might hear NPCs call when hit by any kind of effect (spell, poison, elemental, or even weapon), though a particular NPC’s Echo will always related to a specific effect group, effect, or delivery type that is verbalized in the incant (such as “Echo Command”, “Echo Flame Bolt”, or “Echo Weapon”). When this call is used, the NPC has taken the effect but it is also reflected back as if by Bane (see Example 4). Like a Bane, the effect and the delivery type of the effect remain the same when it is reflected and can be protected against as normal (see Example 5). Echo is a “dumb” defensive and will always be used at its first opportunity, though an NPC may have multiple Echoes of the same kind or even multiple different kinds stacked at a time.

Example 4: Jamina hits a creature with a Destruction spell, which calls "Echo Curse!" The creature has taken the Destruction spell, but it also is reflected back at Jamina at the same time.
Example 5: Verrigan hits a creature with a Sleep Gas Poison, which calls "Echo Command!" The creature has taken the Sleep gas and falls over asleep, but it also is reflected back at Verrigan. Fortunately, Verrigan has an active poison shield and since the original effect was a poison, he calls “Poison Shield!” and doesn’t take the Sleep effect.



Spray is a brand new LCO effect for our chapter! The Spray effect is an additional qualifier that some NPCs can be apply to a non-weapon packet attack, being incanted before throwing that effect (such as “Spray, Magic Flame Bolt!”, “Spray, Nausea Gas Poison!”, or “Spray, 20 Elemental Lightning!”). The NPC can then toss as multiple packets in a single throw of the effect, making avoiding the effect more difficult (see Example 6). Spray is used to represent a more dispersed delivery of a single effect, but NOT a more “concentrated” delivery of multiple of the same effect. Therefore, a person can only ever take a Spray-delivered effect once, regardless of how many packets might hit him or her (see Example 7), and a person can use a single defensive to negate the effects of a Spray-delivered effect, regardless of how many packets might hit him or her (see Example 8 ).

Example 6: A large plant creature decides to spray a cloud of spores at the PCs, represented by the NPC calling “Spray, Sleep Gas Poison!” and tossing a 10-packet handful of orange packets in a single throw, showering the PCs in the effect all at once rather than simply throwing the 10 packets one at a time.
Example 7: A creature calls “Spray, Magic Stone Bolt!” and throws a fistful of 10 packets, 5 of which hit Ilana and 5 of which hit Kadien. Even though they were both hit by 5 packets, they take only 5 Stone damage from the Spray, NOT 25 Stone damage.
Example 8: A creature calls “Spray, 50 Elemental Chaos!” and throws a fistful of 10 packets, 5 of which hit Iganeous and 5 of which hit York. Even though they were hit by 5 packets, Iganeous can use a single Resist Element and York can use a single Dodge to negate the damage from the Spray, since a Spray effect only counts once.
To clarify if you echo back to me, and i bane, may you echo again, same goes for reflect. Ie should it be treated as innate reflect for all purposes save it may echo weapon blows and gases?