LCO Items and Scrolls

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It has been decided that the LCO items and scrolls from Syraandor will be honored at AllianceDeadlands. Please read this entire message if you have anything you want to bring in.

Before anyone asks, let me attempt to field some questions that I'm guessing are going to pop up.
Gobbies don't transfer, but don't worry, there are plenty of ways to make new ones. We still need lots of things.
If a scroll or item ran out between the last NH game and now, sorry. There's nothing I can do for you.

If you have something to transfer, you have to bring the tag to either the first or second event, or you can mail it to me any time between now and the first event. My address is on the chapters list. Don't forget to put your name, and you character's name in with the tag. ALSO, you have to bring the item that the tag goes to either the first or second event. Please don't mail the item to me. I won't be accepting items and/or tags after the second event. Contact me via if this is a problem for you, or you have any questions.

If you threw out an item or tag thinking there was no hope of getting to use it, sorry. I can do nothing for you. Feel free to donate and buy LCO items off the list we'll have in April.

Lastly, and this is the most important. Do not attempt to take advantage of this switch over. If I have any reason to suspect that someone has made up there own item or tag, and attempted to pass it in as legit, I will investigate. I still talk to Shane, I have Dan, Ray and Corey on staff. If it turns out that someone has passed in a bogus tag or item, that person will be permanently banned from the game.

Thank you,
Look forward to seeing you all in April,