Resolved LCO Transmute Catalyst cast on Restricted Catalyst

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Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
The new Transmute Catalyst ritual is not on the "cannot be LCO" list, which means it can be released as an LCO ritual. To that end:

If an LCO Transmute Catalyst ritual is cast on a Restricted Catalyst, will it result in a Restricted Catalyst (since the original target catalyst was Restricted) or an LCO Catalyst (since the ritual scroll was LCO)?

The scroll covers what happens if you Transmute an LCO Catalyst (LCO Catalyst in, LCO Catalyst out), but not what happens if you Transmute a Restricted Catalyst with an LCO ritual.

Suggestion: I personally think it would be be a good idea to update the ritual text with similar verbiage to the new change to Destroy Magic, where LCO versions of the scroll can only be cast on an LCO target, etc.
Per the ARB 2.1.1, Page 10:
LCO Ritual Scrolls and Components can be used within the same Ritual Batch as Restricted Scrolls and Components, but any resulting magical items or effects will be LCO.

Due to the above, casting an LCO Transmute Catalyst on any Catalyst, LCO or Restricted, will produce an LCO Catalyst.
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