

Colorado Staff
Goodbye Adventurers of Shademarch,
I am leaving to go home to the elven lands. After I spend time there, I plan to go back to the home I've made for myself in Hope's Reach. There, I'll tend to the Falcon's Roost (now renamed to the Wolf's Den), which Chokonu and I purchased just before the adventurer's abandoned Hope's Reach.
I'll settle down and use the rituals I acquired to calm travelers, create a circle of power for the kitchen. I'll make it a place of respite, and a stronghold against the corrupt for when they take the Valley of Solice again.
You'll see me one last time, when your need is great, but after that, I will be gone.

The reasons I leave are threefold. First, because these lands are not my home, nor even known by the name I knew them by. Secondly, after we nearly lost everything because one of our great leaders, Prince Talon, was rescued from our enemies, another one of our great leaders have nearly wrought our destruction by delivering herself into the hands of the enemy, merely for the lives of a few adventurers. (We are adventurers, our lives mean nothing, death is our final chapter, always). Thricely, I tire of the ceaseless quibbling, greed and secrets. And I tire of trying to be a force that stands against it.

There are a few individuals I wish to speak out to.

Knight Durafang,
After you refused my honor duel and struck me down from behind, you got your point across. I promise to never doubt your lack of honor again.

While it seemed we should have been fast friends, we instead had a very competitive rivalry. Good job, I couldn't have chosen a better rival, unless I could somehow create a doppelganger of myself, of course. Our Man off will always be legendary in my mind.

Standfast, there'll be other adventures to be had with me at your helm.

I enjoyed my adventures in Hope's Reach, I'd like to share a few that stand out in my memory strongest.
The adventure where we traveled through time to learn the truth behind what makes a hero.

Last season, an ancient mystic wood elf by the name of Mesa became enslaved by the corrupt and led us into a trap. With our typical leaders at a loss of what to do, I led us to safety.

When saving the prince, Gorka, myself, Harlequin and Tondra made a desperate last stand to protect the circle against corruption.

I wish you luck in your endeavors, although Shademarch seems to be a far more peaceful land with far fewer adventures to be had. Beware the calm before the storm, I anticipate it will eventually end.

Hunter Davion,
Co-Proprietor of the Wolf's Den, Hope's Reach
Volpe will miss having Hunter Davion in pack. Had plenty fun running while teaching Davion many of the Tanamashu and Wolfkyn ways some moons back, and hope to do many more in the future. And if back in Hopes Reach area, Volpe will visit Hunter Davion at the Den for some more fun and trouble with pack friend.

Until we meet again,
Volpe Blanco
Destiny Caller of the Tanamashu, and Pack member of the Black Wolves & Brotherhood of the Light.