Legerdemain and to a lesser extent blacksmith


What make the best tools.What are the best for real world usefulness, and want are the best for in game function and what just looks like it needs to be in a thieves tool kit. Like for blacksmith, i think needle nose pliers are a great fisrep that can actually fix something. It can tighten laces of laminar and leather, and it can bend chain links back into shape. I don't know what i would need to disarm in-game traps but for that i have been referring to the illustration in the D&D players handbook.
let me hear your thoughts, thanks
Most people who have the blacksmithing skill don't physrep it with any tools, though I've heard of people using anvils, hammers, pliers, etc IG for this (also great for on-the-fly repairs).
For lockpicking, you're rarely if ever going to come upon something as difficult to pick as a masterlock. Check your local laws on posession of lockpick sets. My kit is extremely simple, consisting of a stiff but bendable piece of wire, bobby pins, and sometimes a pair of pliers. For disarming traps, I would recommend gloves, a small pair of scissors, and a sturdy flat object such as a tongue depresser. Locks and traps will need to actually be picked/disarmed FOR REAL, so just think through how you'd make a trap and think of what you'd need to arm/disarm it.
For ledgedemain, it depends on what you're most comfortable using. My usual kit has several of the scissor-style clamps, thread scissors, brightly colored thread for detecting tripwires, gloves, and a pair of candles for light. I don't generally carry lockpicks as I don't run into many locks (and due to legality questions), and generally when I do I am in enough of a hurry to shatter them rather than taking the time to pick them. :lol:
If you have a Harbor Freight store near you, they can be a great source for thieves/legerdemain tools. Though I haven't used legerdemain IG (nor OOG), a basic kit I put together has: a set of dental picks in various shapes, long tweezers with a magnifying glass attached to the end, an extendable mirror and a scissor style locking clamp. I haven't finished it yet, but I'll add some small scissors and a piece of string for finding trip wires.