Lessons if you've got time


Some of ya already know, but it never hurts to remind people, Durl's been working real hard on learning ta read en stuff like that but he still needs another coupla lesson maybe if anyone has time ta spare this weekend ta help. I'd also like to do better at this math stuff, en I needs someone that can pay attention to the teaching and not suddenly go into war games involving goblin apple theives all the time, its good to practice tatics but Durls really not good at learning more then one thing at a time.

He's also gunna be practicing on that first aid stuff, I've been watching Sae Azka and Marcena pretty close en I think maybe I gots it figured out.

I can teach you mat' pretty well. I could teach you dhe art of healing if you want to be able to figure out what is wrong wit' people.

I would be happy to lend a hand, if you need, Durl.

I dunno know if I need to know how to figure out whats wrong with people, jes how ta makes em stop bleeding, Durls pretty good at that already, they always stop bleeding within a minute or so when he's been practicing.

You see Durl, if you can figure out what the problem is, they'll stop bleeding much faster.
While most people do stop after a minute or so, that is hardly considered "fixing" them.
I'll trust Marcena to teach you the finer points of the healing arts, though perhaps I could help with your reading.
Goodness knows you'll need it if you should ever find your way towards the realm of Earth Magic.
Knowledge of what's wrong with people isn't quite as much the focus with magic, so much as fixing it quickly.
If you've practice enough, you can even fix people from fairly far away with Earth Magic.

May the spark of curiosity ignite your passion for knowledge,
Wolfram Eisenberg
Hopefully not the entire village, but I'll be there to help if needed.
Having too many people to learn from might be a bit confusing though.
It seems Durl is being well taken care of, so I won't worry too much.
The offer still stands if he should require, or otherwise desire further teaching.