Lets deal with the Cha'Ka problem!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hi there! It's Silp!

I don't know if a lot of people know this, but I've been workin' to take care of the Cha'Ka problem over the last six months! My Duke Raash and me are both really high on his hate list, after all!

Remember when I was talkin' about gettin' some trolls to go mess up Cha'Ka's fort 'cause they'd be super hard for the soldiers to take care of 'cause they wouldn't be able to use flame to kill 'em and everyone said it was a dumb idea?

Well, I managed to make it happen, and it worked out really well! I can talk more about how it all happened if anyone wants me to, but the important part is that I got three beefy trolls to destroy all the traps on the road to his keep, take out a lot of the soldiers, and smash up the fortifications, too! Then, since Cha'Ka was so angry about it, he yelled at his soldiers a lot and more of 'em left 'cause they realized how much of a jerk he is! Cha'Ka is more vulnerable now than he's ever been!

So yeah, I'm gonna be leadin' a group to deal with him once and for all! He's still got some soldiers, so I'm plannin' on gettin' together a little strike force of good fighters and a few alchemist gas-chuckers with me to get it done right! Regardless who comes with me, we're gonna need to be really careful about fightin' in our armor, since we can only use alchemy for healing, and alchemy healing is really weak.

Are there any people that wanna help me? It's gonna be dangerous, 'specially since it's in the no-magic zone, but I'd love some help! I reckon the best time to move against Cha'Ka will be really late on the first night when everyone gathers again soon, so we can catch him the most off-guard!

Also, we'll probably need a bunch of alchemy cures just to be safe! And maybe some Poison Shield elixirs! Or maybe some Antidote elixirs if we don't have Poison Shield elixirs! I don't usually use a lot of elixirs or potions, so I don't have a lot of use for 'em after I do this, so if someone has a bunch of the stuff that would be good for this, maybe we can borrow 'em, use 'em as needed, then return the ones we didn't use after we get back and pay for the ones we did? Or maybe we could just buy 'em, and I guess I could just sell the ones I don't use to other people.

Also, does anyone know if a Shield or Bless that's active on you will go away when you enter the no-magic land? 'Cause if they don't, that's good, and we could use some Shields and Blesses for the group if anyone has any to spare before we go in!

Oh, and if anyone was worried about having three really-hard-to-kill trolls still in the no-magic zone, don't worry: Cha'Ka eventually got some torches and burned 'em away! So once Cha'Ka is gone, we don't have to work to get the trolls out (which a lot of people said was a problem with my plan when I first had it)!

~ Silp

Never said it was dumb. I think it was very clever and we should as a town work to end this threat before he rebuilds his forces. As uneasy as I am to go fight without magic I'll be happy to lend my vorpal arrows to the cause.

One item of note, the earth guild and magistrates have asked that we attempt to preserve the lives of his officers to the best of our ability that they may be able to stand trial. To that end, we've prepared a lot of alchemical healing to stabilize them.


Jehan W

I know that the group of Sarr that visit had a particular interest in seeing and end to Cha'Ka last market. I am sure they would be willing to aid you. I know Cyn is feeling responsible for him as it was her actions the caused his break away. She has been trying to stock up and I am sure would like to go as well. If you need my Bow, First Aid or Blacksmithing let me know.
~Aramis Seablade.

I will not be able to attend next market day. But, I can contribute arrows and elixirs to the cause. I will look and see what alchemy that I have and I can donate that as well to whoever accompanies you that would be able to use the gasses. I am also very interested in your full tale and the details.

I should be able to send the supplies with either Elle or Ser Siril.

Lady FallingStar

Your work is absolutely amazing! Thank you for all of it!

I humbly ask to join you on your final push- I have amassed over 150 healing elixirs - still trying to gather more. They are weak but they can help. Also thanks to Lard Bluewater I have an ability to first aid quicker than most!

I was the one tasked to keep those who are second in command stable and then handed over to the magistrate to be properly interrogated. Silp- I ask you to please allow this to happen so that we will have knowledge needed from them and we will follow the letter of the law. This is a request from the magistrate and the earth guild. Thank you in advance.

Please keep me in the loop.
And the stabilization is for Cha'ka's group of second in command- NOT Cha'ka.... Do what must be done with him.

Again I humbly ask to join you with my chest of healing elixirs.
Thank you.

In Service,
<Voice seems more tired or strained than usual>

While I can't be much help in this, Please include Nehani, Neolani, and Arkemides Silp, they have also been preparing for this.

-Enan Bluewater
Also I have procured some manacles to be used to help secure the lieutenants ones stabilized. Hopefully this will help with transporting them alive to the magistrates.

In Service,
I have some information about the state of the no magic area. It is more complex then the dream realms allows so I will explain it at this next gathering.

Thanks everyone for bein' all super ready to help! I didn't know people had been preparin' elixirs and things to do this, so that's great! It sounds like we've got a real strong group, so I think Cha'Ka won't stand a chance!

I'm happy to hear you guys want to stabilize some of the soldiers! I was already plannin' on stabilizin' Cha'Ka and bringin' him back to Arbor so that the Magistrates can kill him, so it's all good with me to stabilize and bring back his seconds and stuff!

~ Silp

I am happy to pitch in...what time of day are we taking him out? I would say sounds like a great sat afternoon thing....but its up to you.

I'll be leading a dangerous mission early Friday night, and then my Roc hunt on Saturday morning...you of course are welcome to both.
