Let's Share What We Know!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hi everybody! It's Silp!

I figured that, since it's winter comin' soon and we won't be meetin' up again for a bit, I figured we share a bit about what each of us learns about various things that come up so we know more as a community goin' into next year! The more people that know about stuff, the better! So, if you got things you know to share, go ahead and share 'em and we can talk about 'em! None of that whole "I've got information but I'll share it later when we next together in person later" stuff! Let's hear it!

And if you have somethin' you want to know about but don't know about, feel free to ask about it and maybe someone that does know about what you don't know about but want to know about will tell you about what you don't know about but want to know about!

I'll go first with somethin; I know, then I'll ask some questions about stuff I've wanted to know about to get the talkin' ball rollin'!

So, you know how we keep findin' sets of magical playin' cards all covered in blood? There is apparently a King for each of the card suits (Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, Clubs) that made each of them! The four Kings are named after their suit (the King of Diamonds, etc.) and we learned from the King of Diamonds (who was an undead wearin' a fancy crown - I dunno know if they all are undead, but I think they are) that the four are all competin' with each other in some kind of game to see who is the best! The last one alive wins that round of the game, then they start over again, I think. I don't know if the winner of each round gets somethin' for bein' the winner, but I think they probably do, 'cause just braggin' rights to the other Kings probably isn't enough to make 'em keep doin' this!

Me, Pandora, Kat, and Crelik beat down the King of Diamonds (he wasn't that tough) after we talked to him a bit about what I just said, but he didn't stay dead, 'cause later that night there were some weak undead that came into town with his Diamond mark on them with a note on one of 'em from the King of Diamonds that called us jerks for makin' him lose that round of the game! Has anybody seen any of the other Kings? I think the bloody set of Spades were all Celestial spells, so maybe that one is Celestial caster, but that's just a guess.

So yeah, the Kings aren't really a major problem or anythin', but I figured I'd mention it since we found out about it, and havin' undead around isn't ever really a good thing.

So, I've got some questions that I'll bring up to get the talkin' ball rollin'! I'll admit that they're a bit bigger topics than my first thing I mentioned, but feel free to bring up other less-important stuff as well!

The Eternal Leaf Empire: Did anyone find out why the Elves and Dryads are so angry with each other? Did things get any better with that problem?

The Eternal Prison: We've got a big list of fancy stuff we need to use to make the Eternal Prison thing and deal with Kazik, which is cool! Do we have any of the things on that list yet? What stuff still needs gettin'? How do we think we can get that stuff that still needs gettin'?

Kazik's Dragon: Someone told me before that Kazik is controllin' a Dragon! I know he used to control Petyr Raxis a long time ago, but which Dragon has he got this time? What can it do? Is there anything we can do about it?

Enslavement #9: Have we managed to figure out who started makin' this stuff? Where did it come from in the first place?

Fancy Door: Can someone (probably Aramis) tell us about that big fancy door that Menra was tryin' to get the moon lady to open up?

Other Stuff: Big or small, what kinda stuff do ya know about other stuff?

I'm lookin' forward to hearin' all about the things people have been learnin'!

~ Silp
Hey Silp!

I fixed the "Fancy Door"! Aramis wasn't around for it, but I was a stone elf at the last gather, so I hung out with them a lot and learned about their culture, which was important because if the door opened, I COULD HAVE DIED FOREVER. It was... Weird. Anyway, I'm kind of busy right now, but I'll let you know about all the other stuff I've learned while adventuring here in Wayside! Like that THERE IS A WAYSTONE ON THE MOON (Which is both DUMB and FANTASTIC).

Kazik: Creatures of power are fleeing. Petry Raxis and my griffon friend and his mate - all fleeing to Anret, in anticipation of Kazik's "Bliss".

Enslavement #9: Arsita has developed an antidote to it. It comes from Anret, a creation of The Good Doctor, I believe.

Kazik's Dragon: He's got a red dragon, last I heard.

- Eric
Why aren't we all going to Anret? How do we get there? Seems like the place to be. What's there?

Kazik's Dragon: I believe it to be the dragon Big Red.

Other stuff: I mean, it's a big deal to me, but my son is being possessed by Chaos Knight. I believe I read that I need to use a greater banishment ritual on him.

As for the Eternal Leaf Empire: All I know is that I helped resurrect a group of Elves whose village was attacked by Dryads. The elves were really excited to see Lady Fallingstar though. I think it was Liddia's village that was attacked so I believe Liddia would probably know more about it.

This is a great idea Silp.

The Eternal Leaf Empire: Both are races are Blissed but then the bliss changed in to a focus on one person or object and then the fear of loosing it. Elves focus is Lady FallingStar and Dryads focus is the Land

The Eternal Prison:
I believe Sir Foss near has all the items.

Kazik's Dragon: Yes Accidna(sp?) a.k.a Big Red is has taken the form human from as the High Chancellor or the Ternian Empire and is most likely going to Bliss the Empire as the completion of the Wall.

Enslavement #9: This compound is made from the blood of a Celestial Biata and some other bad things. The Antidote is know but must be made with permission as it take a skilled alchemist and a few items that are illegal

Fancy Door: Last market that door was almost open but Iago Pax and his apprentices died permanently during the attempt. Stone Elf Benradi Saved the day.

Other Stuff: I have a map with the location of the rest of the blue sky crystal from the shattering. The First were was released from the eternal prison plane.

~Aramis Seablade
Terra's Chaos Knight: You said before that the elemental controllin' him was named Thonesh, right? Like, the Isle of Thonesh (or Ca La Dorne)? I remember some people tellin' me that Thonesh was like a super-mega-giant elemental king thing that they killed or banished or somethin' a few years ago, so does anyone know how Thonesh came back? If we need a Banish to Other Plane scroll, Jehan told me before that the catalyst is the "Essence of a Dragon Mage", so maybe we should start lookin' for some of that! Does anyone have some? Does anyone have a Banish to Other Plane scroll?

The Eternal Leaf Empire:
How did they get all Blissed (and don't just tell me "Kazik did it" 'cause I know that)? Is there any way to un-Bliss people?

The Eternal Prison:
Foss has everything we need? Score! Where'd we get a Gryphon claw? Where'd we get a Dragon Fang? Where'd we get a fresh Dragon Shell? Who're the 12 spirits gonna be? Who's gonna be the caster? Can we do the Eternal Prison soon? Let's take care of Kazik right away!

Enslavement #9: Wait a second, I thought that magic was really different (or maybe even just not a thing) in Anret, so if the Good Doctor made this stuff, how did it come from Celestial Biata blood? Or are there multiple sources of this stuff?

Fancy Door: I'm glad to hear the door wasn't opened! But what was behind it, anyway? I remember hearin' that it's somethin' about passion or somethin', but Radi said that openin' it would make people die forever, so why would anyone wanna open it if it's just a door of super doom?

The Nine: So wait, Iago Pax is dead now? What about Sagittarius and Leviticus? Were they his apprentices you said died also, or are there just two of the three of the middle of the Nine now that Iago is dead? I'm not super clear on whose apprentice is whose, other than Jasper is one of 'em's apprentice!

The Shattering Shards: Is there something we need to do with the shards, or is it just a matter of interest of collectin' 'em 'cause they're cool magic crystal bits? I'm totally cool if it's the second one, I'm just curious! And what do you mean by "the First" being released from the Eternal Prison plane? The First what?

~ Silp
Terra's Chaos Knight: The ritual only banishes the target for a year and a day. About the same time my husband stole my son away from me.

The Eternal Prison: Yes, I have almost everything we need to accomplish this. We do not need a dragon egg. I have the scrolls needed. The talon was collected from Sul'ar, and I know were to get the dragons Fang.

The Eternal Leaf Empire: The Jabberwakky, who was one of Kazzak's followers and dead, was spreading, I believe, a bliss like state through out the Empire. Not sure what is gonna happen to them not that he is gone. If you are blissed you end up just turning to dust. Permanently dying.

Big Red: Yes, Kazzak has big red as an enslaved servant. I have no proof that she is the High Chancellor. And unless someone has hard evidence that can prove it, no one is to speak ill of a noble, especially a noble of another land in this vault.

Enslavement #9: From my understanding any Alchemist wishing to make this needs permission from Ser Mountaintusk.

Good Door and Magistrate Amy Hale: Door closed and Magistrate Hale has been given the proper antidote to cure her and she is safe. And yes Iago Pax, Sagittarius, and Leviticus are all dead. Jasper was an apprentice and is still alive.

Creatures of Power: Yes, all creatures of power have fled to Anret. Fae are gone as well for a duration of 1 year, due to a agreement they have with Kazzak from years past.

Terra's Son: I have a banish to other plane, we need a greater banish to get rid of him for good.

Sky Shard: They are very unique, you get a vision if you identify them. It is odd and worth collecting.

"The First": From what I've been told. The first "were" creature has been released from the eternal prison. It is not making more were-creatures. Really strong ones.

Kazzak: He has three really loyal creatures still to find.
1) Big Red
2) The worm that walks (I have a theory on this one that I will be looking into.)
3) Some big king fungus.

The Moon: She will be looking into possible allies for us against Kazzak.

Hope this helps.

Ser Siril
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The Eternal Prison: Where are we gonna get the Dragon Fang? Who're the 12 spirits? Who's gonna cast it? When are we gonna cast it?

Enslavement #9: Don't worry, Foss, I'm not plannin' on makin' any of it! High Magistrate Stillroot just asked me to look into findin' out where it came from in the first place, so that's why I'm askin'!

The Nine: So, what kinda impact is having Iago, Sagittarius, and Leviticus dead gonna have on things? Did the adventurers kill 'em?

Creatures of Power: Wait, like every creature of power is gone to Anret now? Whoa! And the Fae aren't around, either? I'm not so sure about havin' all the creatures of power gone is a good thing for us, but havin' all the Fae gone for a year doesn't seem that bad in my book!

Terra's Thonesh: Where do we think we can get a scroll like that? Does it need a catalyst? If it does, what kinda catalyst?

"The First": We should say "Lycan" or something - "Were" gets too easily confused for other things!

~ Silp
The Nine: I plan on journeying to the Northlunds this winter to view the aftermath and aid in whatever way I can. Technically Iago killed Leviticus, bit unclear on what happened to the other one but I believe Iago killed himself?

Creatures of Power: According to the communal dream the Company entered last market day, Big Red is the Ternian Chancellor.

May your hearthfire burn eternal, and your tankard endless!

~Sheriff Draco Ardel
Bye everybody. I'm headed to Anret.

I will be working on a backup to the "Eternal Prison" ritual. I will update everyone as I figure more out.

-Fredrick Crawford
the idea here is to tell what information we have acquired. We have a strong belief that the Chancellor is Big Red. If you would like to chat in person about it, that can be arranged. I feel that she is something we need to lookout for and get more information about.
The Eternal Leaf Crown: The Leaf Crown is now in the full thrall of Bliss. Bliss; takes the things that is dearest to you or places something in your heart that takes the place of that dear thing and brings you close to it. From there you are happy but, that thing is taken away. When it is removed you are crushed and than take nine deaths and the Devourer of Dreams feast on your spirit. The Dryads have the land, the forest, the great trees, etc. in the place of that specialness in their hearts. The elves have the kingdom. The country that they have died for and fought the corrupt. The two parties are terrified that the subject of Bliss will be taken. I have been in contact with Elves in the Crystal Gardens and Elder Bracken. They know what is going on. I am going to the Leaf Crown to see my brother and I will update everyone when I have anything solid.

The Eternal Prison Ritual: I have been working with Ser Siril to collect everything that is needed. I have obtained five dragon fangs from Gaden. I was told prior that the fang needs to be from a dragon native to Terna. I cannot go to the dragon grave yard to obtain a fang from there. This leaves a short list of true dragons that we might be able to obtain a fang from if one of the five I have do not work. There is a very short list of true dragons that are awake; Echidna; who is controlled by the Devourer of Dreams, Harcoran; who's tower was just downed and apprentice's just died permanently save Jasper, Caspian; the green may assist and Celestial; the Blue is being hunted by the Dragon Hunter so he is not in communication with anyone, not even me.

Dragons: The dragons, drakes and wyrm kyn have a non-aggression pact with Kaz'ik from what Yordrill and Titan have told me. There are not enough of them awake to pose any sort of threat to him and as such they will not attack him. I plan on speaking to Yordrill in December and I can go over this again with him.

The Ternian Empire: I will be in the Empire for both the unofficial and official dedication of the wall. I will update everyone once I get back.

Lady Liddia FallingStar