Hi everybody! It's Silp!
I figured that, since it's winter comin' soon and we won't be meetin' up again for a bit, I figured we share a bit about what each of us learns about various things that come up so we know more as a community goin' into next year! The more people that know about stuff, the better! So, if you got things you know to share, go ahead and share 'em and we can talk about 'em! None of that whole "I've got information but I'll share it later when we next together in person later" stuff! Let's hear it!
And if you have somethin' you want to know about but don't know about, feel free to ask about it and maybe someone that does know about what you don't know about but want to know about will tell you about what you don't know about but want to know about!
I'll go first with somethin; I know, then I'll ask some questions about stuff I've wanted to know about to get the talkin' ball rollin'!
So, you know how we keep findin' sets of magical playin' cards all covered in blood? There is apparently a King for each of the card suits (Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, Clubs) that made each of them! The four Kings are named after their suit (the King of Diamonds, etc.) and we learned from the King of Diamonds (who was an undead wearin' a fancy crown - I dunno know if they all are undead, but I think they are) that the four are all competin' with each other in some kind of game to see who is the best! The last one alive wins that round of the game, then they start over again, I think. I don't know if the winner of each round gets somethin' for bein' the winner, but I think they probably do, 'cause just braggin' rights to the other Kings probably isn't enough to make 'em keep doin' this!
Me, Pandora, Kat, and Crelik beat down the King of Diamonds (he wasn't that tough) after we talked to him a bit about what I just said, but he didn't stay dead, 'cause later that night there were some weak undead that came into town with his Diamond mark on them with a note on one of 'em from the King of Diamonds that called us jerks for makin' him lose that round of the game! Has anybody seen any of the other Kings? I think the bloody set of Spades were all Celestial spells, so maybe that one is Celestial caster, but that's just a guess.
So yeah, the Kings aren't really a major problem or anythin', but I figured I'd mention it since we found out about it, and havin' undead around isn't ever really a good thing.
So, I've got some questions that I'll bring up to get the talkin' ball rollin'! I'll admit that they're a bit bigger topics than my first thing I mentioned, but feel free to bring up other less-important stuff as well!
The Eternal Leaf Empire: Did anyone find out why the Elves and Dryads are so angry with each other? Did things get any better with that problem?
The Eternal Prison: We've got a big list of fancy stuff we need to use to make the Eternal Prison thing and deal with Kazik, which is cool! Do we have any of the things on that list yet? What stuff still needs gettin'? How do we think we can get that stuff that still needs gettin'?
Kazik's Dragon: Someone told me before that Kazik is controllin' a Dragon! I know he used to control Petyr Raxis a long time ago, but which Dragon has he got this time? What can it do? Is there anything we can do about it?
Enslavement #9: Have we managed to figure out who started makin' this stuff? Where did it come from in the first place?
Fancy Door: Can someone (probably Aramis) tell us about that big fancy door that Menra was tryin' to get the moon lady to open up?
Other Stuff: Big or small, what kinda stuff do ya know about other stuff?
I'm lookin' forward to hearin' all about the things people have been learnin'!
~ Silp
I figured that, since it's winter comin' soon and we won't be meetin' up again for a bit, I figured we share a bit about what each of us learns about various things that come up so we know more as a community goin' into next year! The more people that know about stuff, the better! So, if you got things you know to share, go ahead and share 'em and we can talk about 'em! None of that whole "I've got information but I'll share it later when we next together in person later" stuff! Let's hear it!
And if you have somethin' you want to know about but don't know about, feel free to ask about it and maybe someone that does know about what you don't know about but want to know about will tell you about what you don't know about but want to know about!
I'll go first with somethin; I know, then I'll ask some questions about stuff I've wanted to know about to get the talkin' ball rollin'!
So, you know how we keep findin' sets of magical playin' cards all covered in blood? There is apparently a King for each of the card suits (Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, Clubs) that made each of them! The four Kings are named after their suit (the King of Diamonds, etc.) and we learned from the King of Diamonds (who was an undead wearin' a fancy crown - I dunno know if they all are undead, but I think they are) that the four are all competin' with each other in some kind of game to see who is the best! The last one alive wins that round of the game, then they start over again, I think. I don't know if the winner of each round gets somethin' for bein' the winner, but I think they probably do, 'cause just braggin' rights to the other Kings probably isn't enough to make 'em keep doin' this!
Me, Pandora, Kat, and Crelik beat down the King of Diamonds (he wasn't that tough) after we talked to him a bit about what I just said, but he didn't stay dead, 'cause later that night there were some weak undead that came into town with his Diamond mark on them with a note on one of 'em from the King of Diamonds that called us jerks for makin' him lose that round of the game! Has anybody seen any of the other Kings? I think the bloody set of Spades were all Celestial spells, so maybe that one is Celestial caster, but that's just a guess.
So yeah, the Kings aren't really a major problem or anythin', but I figured I'd mention it since we found out about it, and havin' undead around isn't ever really a good thing.
So, I've got some questions that I'll bring up to get the talkin' ball rollin'! I'll admit that they're a bit bigger topics than my first thing I mentioned, but feel free to bring up other less-important stuff as well!
The Eternal Leaf Empire: Did anyone find out why the Elves and Dryads are so angry with each other? Did things get any better with that problem?
The Eternal Prison: We've got a big list of fancy stuff we need to use to make the Eternal Prison thing and deal with Kazik, which is cool! Do we have any of the things on that list yet? What stuff still needs gettin'? How do we think we can get that stuff that still needs gettin'?
Kazik's Dragon: Someone told me before that Kazik is controllin' a Dragon! I know he used to control Petyr Raxis a long time ago, but which Dragon has he got this time? What can it do? Is there anything we can do about it?
Enslavement #9: Have we managed to figure out who started makin' this stuff? Where did it come from in the first place?
Fancy Door: Can someone (probably Aramis) tell us about that big fancy door that Menra was tryin' to get the moon lady to open up?
Other Stuff: Big or small, what kinda stuff do ya know about other stuff?
I'm lookin' forward to hearin' all about the things people have been learnin'!
~ Silp