Letter From Duke Liaseer


Minnesota Staff
To all who may dare their heart across the Kingdoms of Evodia,

Upon many long and fruitful conversations, I have recently come to an understanding with my Daughter Makenzy Liaseer, the one and only child daughter of Duke Zephyrus Liaseer, Heir to my title estate and fortune, for one final chance to find a suitor to win her favor. For she has previously sworn off taking a partner either to court or to eventually marry, and to live a life without commitment.

As my only child my bloodline shall cease if this to be the case, I have come to an agreement with Makenzy for one last opportunity to find a courter to win her favor and if I fail, I shall accept this fate and leave it to rest once and for all.

So, on that note as we all gather forth hence, I invite any eligible bachelor of prestige of name who feels compelled to make their case to my daughter upon call prior to dinner upon the greatest party of the century and let her make the choice that she feels compelled to make.

To sweeten the pot anyone who successfully brings to my daughter a bachelor of which sways her mind I will grant a reward of 100 gold and a visit to my estate and a favor of which I may offer.

My daughter and I will be in attendance across the party as she prepares to judge her suitor’s.

Good luck to all,

Duke Zephyrus Liaseer