Leveling up! HALP


So, I am to understand that adventurers tend to gain this thing called experience.
According to this handy dandy rule book I found, you gain XP equal to your total build each game day, so on a two day weekend like this one, I'd be getting a cool 50xp, now, here is where I seriously wonder if my math is correct or if I'm missing something major, see...

Being that I just started here at level 2, I have 7 XP right off the bat. Now I'm sitting at 57 xp, which bumps me up to... level 8, and 85(from from current 25) build? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this is wrong, and that what the nice logistics ladies told me about scoring 7 build was correct, but could someone explain how this is actually calculated so I never have to bug them about it? This book is either lying to me for laughs, or I can't read in or out of character!
Scratch that... I scrolled down the page and realized it was the latter...

So that 50 xp somewhat evenly translates to 7 build. I get it now.

Now the real question... how would I go about supplementing my xp gain? (IE: Blanketing)
I'm a bit of an idiot... to clarify. I WILL NOT be able to make it to the next event, and I'd like to know how I go about blanketing, or whatever witchcraft is involved to salvage some xp, in preparation for the event following it.
Post-event logistics coma. Completely understandable.
I prefer the spreadsheet made by Jimmy which can get found here. If you have a Google Drive you can save your character sheets. Nearly the entirety of Oakpalm has their character sheets saved from this spreadsheet.
Durnic said:
Nearly the entirety of Oakpalm has their character sheets saved from this spreadsheet.
Awesome. Since everyone who uses it copies it into their own spreadsheet, I'm never sure how much it actually gets used.
I just used it to plan out my build and what I am going to buy before next event.
Yeah, I use it all the time to figure out build and build goals.

Ben used spreadsheet. It's super effective!