Lightbulb moments


Ever have one of these?

I had one today; for 8 months I've been staring at my boss going "he looks like someone...." And then today, flipping through some different files on Wiki trying to get motivated to get back to work, I figured it out.

I work for Prince Julian Luna. AKA the Ventrue prince on the very short lived Kindred: The Embraced television series.

Now I can't help but wonder how many other vampires lurk in my office...since I'm the only Garou *shifty eyes*.

This message brought to you by the letters W, H,I,T,E , and the word Wolf. :)

I thought I was the only person who knew that show even existed. Also, total Technocrat here, if you couldn't tell.

Oh, I knew about the motorcycle accident. Its why the show was canceled; or rather never took off; because it was passed for a second season (where they were going to do werewolves) but then he passed away.

A LOT of those people showed up on Buffy though. By the droves.

and personally I liked Lilly too :)
