Liquid light


Minnesota Staff
As the next market days come around I am looking to buy around 5-7 liquid lights I am willing to pay about 1 silver a piece or work out some small trades, i am not from these lands so if these prices are unreasonable please let me know. So if any alchemists happen to have any around It would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Roff,
I will arrange for the Merchent Guild Lead to contact you able setting up an order and pricing.
~Capitain Aramis Seablade
Fairfax Merchents Guild.
You should just cast a light spell. That makes things super easy. Then you can see everything and you don't need to put glowy goop everywhere...

Unless you like glowy goop. Don't drink it though, that sounds gross to me...

Librarian of the Fairfax Library
Light spells make me rather uncomfortable so it is much easier for me to just have a large amount of liquid light on hand instead. Also has anybody ever actually drank one I'm kinda interested in what would happen.
I mean... If you do it tell me what happens so I can write it down... But I wouldn't drink it... It's not the tastes good alchemy from my (limited) knowledge of alchemy... You should maybe just coat your something in it so it's all glowy and shiny and stuff...

Librarian of the Fairfax Library
No I'm not dumb enough to drink it but I was just curious what if, I wouldnt ever do this myself.
I use it to make my blades glowy