Local versus national vision -


I would like to share something which came across the owners' board during a discussion about trouble players in another chapter. Not saying anyone here is a trouble player, but the value of game days discussion did bring along a lot of talk about "what NERO should be" and bringing in things from the national boards.

"You are the owner, and you have the right to deny service to any player at any time. Obviously denying a player service for their oog race, religion, gender, gender preference, etc ... is a big no no. However playing a LARP is a privilege, not a right. Your game, your expectations of customer behavior are paramount.

Players need to play the game, according to the collective vision of the Alliance ... which is indicated within out rulebook. Other actions are completely policed an arbitrated LOCALLY ... I personal have no right to be meddling in the internal workings of your campaigns and messing with your local vision of the game... outside of enforcing the bylaws, the rules within the rulebook, and collective will of the Alliance Owners."

The vision of each chapter as to their game is just that, their own spin and flavor on the game. Ours differs from Jersey, differs from Ohio, differs from Oregon, differs from... you get the picture. Each chapter will have a different game, a different "product" if you will. Just something to think on.
