locking IG topics?

yeah seriously?
Yeah, I'll third the protest of that.
Basically, the Rule is that you are not allowed to post anonymously in the IG area without prior approval from plot.

The account that was doing so has been deleted but we have not yet been able to contact the person who has the account.

I'll see about opening them back up again, let me talk to Plot.
agreed. thanks for clarifying. and thanks Michelle and Todd for letting me know as well. i think we were all just caught off guard cause we were all so into the discussion. it makes sense though so i am glad it is locked then. to the person who broke the rule, i hope it was an honest mistake and not an attempt to cheat.
He means Toddo. It was indeed a plot call to lock the thread until things can get sorted out.

We'll keep you all posted.

Thanks all

you are all Todd to me. i grew up with a common name and had to deal with looking whenever someone said rob, Robert, bob, bobby, etc. so.. i cannot give you "o"s and "y"s because of this. but yes, i meant todd from plot.

besides, you're just ithica IG and OOG to us.
Just as a side point, the HQ staff doesn't lock down threads randomly or otherwise generally interfere with your online roleplay unless we have a reason. Heck, we rarely even lock OOG threads. Please trust that if we do something that seems odd or out of place, that there is a reason behind it. If information can be shared with you it will be, but sometimes you just need to trust your plot team.

That's not to say you're required to like everything we do of course. If you have a serious issue with something please contact us privately, or if you aren't comfortable doing that, toss an email to Eric at Customer Service.

Now let's get back to the fun off-season stuff... cleaning out the bins of costuming, counting up this year's treasury, making new armor, writing up fishbowls to get gobbies for monthly blankets, deciding what plot writeups to send in... :)

Board Moderator
Plot Goon
<<< If you have a serious issue with something please contact us privately, or if you aren't comfortable doing that, toss an email to Eric at Customer Service. >>>

I am here to listen to any and all concerns or complaints.... as well as any compliments! I can be contacted by PMing me on these boards or sending me an e-mail at "IvnDrake@aol.com" (note there is no "a" in "Ivn").


--- Eric Stehle
So how do we play this out? Bad dream? Chatter just stops abruptly?
So there is no character named Eagle Eyes? Is that the "dream" that we shouldn't have seen?
The issue has been resolved, you may now return to your regularly scheduled Roleplay. :D

Please note that anonymous posting is NOT allowed on the In-Game Forums without the express permission of the Plot Commitee. The In-Game board policies will be re-posted later today as the note that was stickied at the top of the list is gone.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
So did that dreaming happen or not? Since there were issues with it I don't want to continue the RP if it's all been started by an unsanctioned posting.
You may carry on as if it had not been locked, a hiccup in the dream realm allowed someone to post anonymously before disappearing, you guys can deal with it IG. *evilface*
Just so people know. I DID NOT POST as eagle eye ( a npc that i played as a rp fish blow at the last event ). And i have NOTHING to do with it. Plot did NOT get any info from me IG or OOG. And NO pc got any info about any murder form that npc or me oog or IG.

In short ....I didnt do let me the F*** out of it. :evil:

That is all :D
thank you
Didn't think it was Tim, until now.............