Lodging at the event.

Rezzik (NWC)

Traverse City Staff
I have never been to the Fairplay site, so I am unfamiliar with how the sleeping arrangements are. We are trying to plan our trip for Nationals, and one concern is will there be a cabin to use? Is the Fairplay site big enough for everyone to have cabins and bunks, or will this event be heavily dependent on people using tents?
It depends on how many people show up.

We have four cabins. Three will sleep up to 6. The other up to 8.

We have 3 private rooms off the tavern that can fit 4, or six if you really cram.

We have a common room also off the tavern that has five sets of huge bunks that also has a lot of floor space.

Once pre-reg starts, groups of four or more (all four people must be paid) can reserve a cabin.

The three private rooms you can straight out reserve for $40 for the weekend.

All the cabins and private rooms have electricity. The private rooms are also insulated.

We are working on getting the pre-reg structure up soon, so you can reserve a cabin or room for your group.

Also, locals (those within driving distance) will surely help with tents for any overflow. We may also have another cabin and/or private room by September.

President, Faire Play, Inc.
If I am reading this right the site has a total of 48 bunks available; 54 if we really cram?
yup...plus floor space inside as well as lots of room outside for tenting.
Sounds like it is going to be quite...cozy. If the turnout is anything like the last national event that is going to make for a lot of tents. Is there any way to get a text message from someone as soon as the Pre-reg is available? I would like to secure a cabin as soon as they become available.
I'm planning on being at the site very early on Friday. There are six bunks in the common area that are sectioned off, 3 top and 3 bottom, and I'm going to try to get one. I'll be warding the room in game so whoever gets a bunk in there we'll have to introduce ourselves in some manner if our characters haven't met.
As a suggestion: ward your bunk or bring something to section off an area around where you're sleeping. It's a big room, lots of people will be staying in and passing through there, and you'll end up with so many people invested (and some angry biata and barbarians) that it won't be as safe as you want it to be.
Ken, you play HQ regularly so you should have noticed by now that nobody EVER wards that entire room.

If you are in the common room you can put curtains up around your bunk (or a few bunks if you have multiple people in your group) and ward a section, but you can't ward the whole room, or you effectively cut out anyone else using that room, the guild, AND everyone who paid for the private rooms. That's not just an in-game issue, that's a major out of game customer service issue, so please don't do it.

If it happens that will be handled in-game, and you probably won't like what happens. Please don't give us a reason to put out a monster that can pop wards ;)
I didn't think about people who might have biata or vanseer that may be in there. I warded all three bunks last event because there were none in there, but with the amount of people coming to national, warding my bunk is the best idea.

Please don't send out ward poppers! :ohmy: