Lodging, Bed Roll room

It depends Lt. Ithica, will you wash your feet before coming to bed? If so, I have a nice warm spot you can lay your tierd head.... HAHA

Grand Master Court Bard Pippin Willowind the wise of Blythesedale
You'd thinks somebody so wise would be able to properly pronounce the name of the team he belongs to...

You'd also think that someone who claimed to be a Grand Master Court Bard... as well as Wise would be able to spell simple words like "tired"

Unless of course the Grand Master was implying that Ithica's cranium had multiple layers and misspelled that instead.

Wow Tieran,

I did realize you were such a mule's ***. Next time, I will speak my thoughts much clearer for you. I didn't know you could see words in dreams! Wow, you must be a powerful sage! Perhaps I should come travel with you so that I my work on my Fool role for Baron Ivan and his entertainment. Do you get you happiness and kicks from insulting people. you must of had a bad childhood.

Next time, if you dont have something polite to say, keep it to yourself.

This...this can only end badly.

Lord Aaeun Nimbus of the Estate of Luminary, Assistant Guildmaster of the Canning Wizard's Enclave
...Or it can just end now, Infact it should just end. Take each others as nothing more then playful teasing, and lets think no insults were given, specially over this matter. Save the anger, animosity, and all forms of attacks for a true enemy.

That being said, Pippin thank you for the offer, but my brother Korwyn and his group had made sleeping room for me.
Lt. Ithica
Don't worry Aaeun.

You'll be fine.


I'm sorry you can't read. Yes I can read things in the dream.

And I always find it an interesting bit of hypocrisy when one tells others to only say nice things immediately after attempting to insult someone.

And I also find it interesting that you elected not to point your barbs (if they can even be called that) at the other person who provided commentary. Perhaps you simply have a short attention span.


Don't worry. I'm not angry. It takes more than the prattling of one who thinks he needs training to be a fool to get my dander up. Its like weight training, even the little dumbells help, if only a little.

Well, I hate to open this can of worms but I have to ask. What does it take to make you angry? Just so those of us who don't wish to have a battle of words with you knows what to avoid.

Its a short list.

But you'll get fair warning.
