Logistics for the gameday


Hi folks,
If you need a character card for the upcoming game day please print your own using the utility mentioned here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6918

If you are traveling from another chapter, please have them transfer your info to our logistics team, then give them a heads up at logistics@alliance-seattle.com.

Don't forget to sign up IG for events. This greatly helps your plot team. Don't make the plot team grumpy. =)
To all folks that have sent in Logistics queries in the past 5 days or so:

Yes, I have received them. I apologize for not responding / processing them; the past few days have been a doozy for me OOG and have not afforded me the time to even hand-off the responsibility to Amy for which I apologize. They will be processed by the time you enter game tomorrow (or afterwards if you are not attending the gameday). Anything that is over a week old will receive GS as a way of saying thanks for your patience.

Additionally, note that your build expenditures through the new tool are notional only. They may or may not be translated into the actual database. Your cards at the gameday will be checked for consistency with the rules. Keep that in mind for the July over-nighter and the July event.

Thanks for your patience,
Seth Bird
Alliance Seattle Logistics