Logistics inquiries


PLEASE direct all logistics inquiries to logistics@neroseattle.com. I will no longer be replying to them from my private message box and will, in fact, just delete them.

A reminder, logistics typically gets done on the weekends, as I live 40 miles from the logistics computer. So, it may take a few days if you send a request/inquiry on Monday before you get an answer.

Thank you.

Diera said:
I will no longer be replying to them from my private message box and will, in fact, just delete them.


If you are are not doing it anymore, who is? So that I may thank them for NOT just deleteing my requests.

I think she means that while she's still handling logistics requests, she'd rather handle the requests via e-mail because she doesn't want her inbox inundated with logistics requests.

And, I'd imagine, because she lives forty odd miles away from the logistics computer (and only has access to it on weekends), plus it's just easier to handle it all from/in one place instead of having to go back and forth between e-mail and private messages.

You know, separating her logistical interactions from her gaming/forum interactions.

Then again, I could be WAY off.


Avaran said:
I think she means that while she's still handling logistics requests, she'd rather handle the requests via e-mail because she doesn't want her inbox inundated with logistics requests.

And, I'd imagine, because she lives forty odd miles away from the logistics computer (and only has access to it on weekends), plus it's just easier to handle it all from/in one place instead of having to go back and forth between e-mail and private messages.

You know, separating her logistical interactions from her gaming/forum interactions.

Then again, I could be WAY off.



Yup, just as I have asked for plot requests of me be sent to the plot email, Sarah is asking that logisitcs requests go to the logistics email, not her message box here on the board.
And on the note of logistics all the inquires I was sent over the weekend that I could answer have been answered as of this moment.

If you send inquires via the online database, I won't be able to email you back letting you know it's been done unless you include your email for me. (It tries to send it back to where it came from, which is the web page :P)

Monthlies get done tomorrow. (my poor car... -.-')
