Logistics notes


NEPA Staff
Heya folks!

Just dropping a line fo some updates. Just replaced the logistics lptop after a bit of a hiatus, Had some issues reinstlling stoftware but should be up and rolling.
This Tuesday I'll be clicking away with update and prep as well as later tonight. So please forgiv delays.

We also have some some policies and pocedures. Those changes have been noted on the locked logistics policy threads. Many are in place ue to the new battleboad system and the NEED to pre logist if possible as well as the benefit of having two laptops on site for events!

Any questions reach out at ashburylog@gmail.com

You can take out the bit about life tags in the logistics notes, as the life tag rules have been adjusted at the National level.

Good point. i dont have access to unlock that thread every update i have to get someone to open . ill look into it later tonight.
IMO Heads of Staff should request to be added to the HQ Staff group (if it still exists) and that group should be given permission to edit and lock threads... then you wouldn't have problems making updates and disseminating information. If the GM and Owners (Brian, Scott, Mike V) are then the only ones who are leaders of that group, they can add and remove people from that group whenever they want so it doesn't create issues when someone new joins or leaves staff.

worst case scenario, if the staff group doesn't exist, Jeremy or whoever is admining the boards these days can make the boards work however you guys want them too.
Kyle is on the HQ staff group. Not sure what their permissions are.

ask Jeremy to check it out (or current admin). It's really easy if you know where to look and what your looking for.
Duke Frost said:
Kyle is on the HQ staff group. Not sure what their permissions are.


We've got editing permissions as far as I can tell...not sure why it's not working for him?
Its locked couldnt get in. ill message jetemy and brian tonight and we will change it.