ALL Logistics requests need go to Not to Mike E's Personal email. not to my personal email. Not to my facebook account. and it's probably not a great idea to send them via PM on these boards. why? because we get ALOT of requests and I don't like to hunt them all down. It's much easier to deal with them when they are in 1 place.
If this continues I'll enforce a "if it wasn't sent to the right place, I never got it" policy meaning i will delete all requests without reading them if they are not sent to the account.
Also, we had an issue with getting some of our data from last event so there has been a delay in getting all of the credit posted and sent out to other chapters. I'm scheduled to do logistics tonight so i should be able to get everyone up to date at that time. I'll also be updating our Membership Thread, which I have changed to an Announcement so it is up there with the rest of the threads you should all know by heart.
Lastly, it is never too early to send pre-reg data for October (spell lists, production requests, etc.) someone did this last week and it made me smile. that is all for now.
ALL Logistics requests need go to Not to Mike E's Personal email. not to my personal email. Not to my facebook account. and it's probably not a great idea to send them via PM on these boards. why? because we get ALOT of requests and I don't like to hunt them all down. It's much easier to deal with them when they are in 1 place.
If this continues I'll enforce a "if it wasn't sent to the right place, I never got it" policy meaning i will delete all requests without reading them if they are not sent to the account.
Also, we had an issue with getting some of our data from last event so there has been a delay in getting all of the credit posted and sent out to other chapters. I'm scheduled to do logistics tonight so i should be able to get everyone up to date at that time. I'll also be updating our Membership Thread, which I have changed to an Announcement so it is up there with the rest of the threads you should all know by heart.
Lastly, it is never too early to send pre-reg data for October (spell lists, production requests, etc.) someone did this last week and it made me smile. that is all for now.