Logistics reports - April 12-14


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Okay, well enough to get back to my evening job and get through post-event logistics. All other chapters' logistics should have been contacted with event credits for PCs, NPCs, and blanketing with goblin stamps.

PC Breakdown by Race:
Barbarian 1
Biata 2
Dryad 1
Elf 4
Gypsy 1
High Ogre 1
High Orc 2
Human 4
Mystic Wood Elf 4
Sarr 2
Wylderkin 2

PC Breakdown by Class:
Adept 1
Artisan 1
Fighter 4
Rogue 3
Scholar 7
Templar 8

Total PCs: 24
Total NPCs: 10
Woooo! Go team elf!

Also, well done team scholar. Silver is still a medal