How to Pre-Register for Events:
Step One: Look at your last Character Card.
Step Two: Do you want to spend any free build? If so, include that in the next step.
Step Three: In an email, answer the following questions:
What skills do I need tags for from your Character Card?
What spells do I need tags for from your Character Card?
Step Four: Dig up any valid Magic Item Tags you may have
Step Five: On the same email, answer the next set of questions:
What tags will I need from my magic item tags?
What is the number of each magic item for said tags?
Step Six: Send this email, along with your name and your character's name to logistics (at) neroseattle (dot) com
What not to do when pre-registering:
-Don't pre-register for an event if you're not going to be there.
-Don't pre-register things you don't have.
-Don't send your pre-reg or build expenditure to my phone.
-Don't send any of this neat stuff to my character's PM box. I have two for a reason.
-Email is the very much preferred form of communication with Logistics. Don't have email? I hear Yahoo and Hotmail give the addresses away for free.
When you get on site:
-If Logistics is open, check in!
-Logistics Hours are 6:00 to Opening, after that you'll have to get someone in Monster Camp to help you out on this.
-When checking in, bring any magic item tags with you, coin for production, the spell book you're memorizing out of, and the event fee. If you don't have all of this with you, you won't be checked in untill you have all of what's needed.
This all said, Pre-Registration for the February 2006 Long Event is open!
Step One: Look at your last Character Card.
Step Two: Do you want to spend any free build? If so, include that in the next step.
Step Three: In an email, answer the following questions:
What skills do I need tags for from your Character Card?
What spells do I need tags for from your Character Card?
Step Four: Dig up any valid Magic Item Tags you may have
Step Five: On the same email, answer the next set of questions:
What tags will I need from my magic item tags?
What is the number of each magic item for said tags?
Step Six: Send this email, along with your name and your character's name to logistics (at) neroseattle (dot) com
What not to do when pre-registering:
-Don't pre-register for an event if you're not going to be there.
-Don't pre-register things you don't have.
-Don't send your pre-reg or build expenditure to my phone.
-Don't send any of this neat stuff to my character's PM box. I have two for a reason.
-Email is the very much preferred form of communication with Logistics. Don't have email? I hear Yahoo and Hotmail give the addresses away for free.
When you get on site:
-If Logistics is open, check in!
-Logistics Hours are 6:00 to Opening, after that you'll have to get someone in Monster Camp to help you out on this.
-When checking in, bring any magic item tags with you, coin for production, the spell book you're memorizing out of, and the event fee. If you don't have all of this with you, you won't be checked in untill you have all of what's needed.
This all said, Pre-Registration for the February 2006 Long Event is open!