Logistics Updates

Robb G

Kyle Spriggle is joining the Logistics Team at HQ!

Kyle will be receiving elite Logistics training prior to the July Event and will be taking over for me as running the Logistics Desk on site and answering logistics Emails and Transfer Requested between Games until my return. Currently, that means he will be in charge of Logistics at the July and August events. I will be returning in September to resume my normal duties.

Assisting Kyle on site will be Logistics staffers David Ehrhart and Brian Whitham and any volunteers they manage to hire.

Brian is a verified Armor and Weapon's Marshal at HQ and will be available at Logistics for your marshaling needs. Weapon Safety Tags for both events have already created and are on site.

I will be available for Kyle to escalate major issues to via email if he runs into any problems as well. I want to personally thank him for stepping up, and thank my staff for their assistance and the players for their support during their training. As we move forward and grow our team, you'll see new folks running desk more often, but I intend to thoroughly train every one of them to ensure HQ Logistics can one day achieve our goal of being the best and most efficient Logistics crew in the Alliance.


HQ Head of Logistics
Congrats Kyle and good luck. Don't worry, you will do just fine and if you don't we can blame it on Robb ;)
Congratulations, Kyle! Really, thanks would be more appropriate. Logistics people have some of the hardest jobs in the game. Logistics staff, I salute you.
Excellent. You are awesome Kyle. Good luck.
Yay Kyle! Indeed, thank you so much! I'm sure you'll get used to my millions of emails soon, lol. I somehow always have a lot of questions to ask logistics... The Logistics team is awesome, yay! :D
Thank you for the accolades. As of right now I don't have access to anything and I have received texts or email via DB asking for stuff. Guys I just plain can't do it yet. Robbie is amazingly dilligent about getting back to folks, even with his job and wedding plans etc. (Robbie still need your cell number). Please submit your requests via email and don't forget to prelogistify..gobbies to be had and magic items to win!

also, no one should be PMing Kyle, emailing him privately, or Facebooking him for logstics requests. the proceedure is still (and always will be) email ashburylog@gmail.com

all other requests will (and should be) ignored.

HQ head of logistics
Hurrah! Thanks, Kyle! <3
Ok folks I have been learned in Logistification and as the newly dubbed "Assistant Head Of Logisitics" or *** H.O.L. I am eager to help with your gaming needs!
