Logistics vacation


Maria and I will be on vacation from today through next Tuesday. I made a transfer to NH for the one request I received. That was the only absolute pressing request, though I did finish few others. If you can help it, please wait until next Tuesday (7/15) to send any more requests. I'd rather not come home after vacation to an overflowing inbox.

Mike E.
Hope you had an awesome vacation!
Extended Vacation by two days to relax a bit more...then got sick when I got home. I'm just now feeling well enough to get on the computer. I have a LOT of work waiting for me tonight to make sure everyone gets what they need for Logistics tomorrow.

Many apologies to people who have been waiting since I wen on vacation. If it was just vacation OR illness it wouldn't be so bad. But the work really piles up when they happen back to back.

BTW I don't know how widespread the news coverage was, but our for ou vacation Maria and I were at Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA) for six days of teaching by the Dalai Lama.
Sounds like an awesome vacation - if you want to share, please consider writing a little something for my travel blog, www.travel-plan-idea.com - we get 2,000-3,000 uniques/day so it's a decent travel audience if you're interested.
I forgot you were coming up here!!! We so should have met up for dinner or something as I'm working at Lehigh as a researcher before I start my grad classes. Dang it! Ah well, another time maybe.
Gwendara said:
I forgot you were coming up here!!! We so should have met up for dinner or something as I'm working at Lehigh as a researcher before I start my grad classes. Dang it! Ah well, another time maybe.

I didn't think you were up there yet, or we would have looked you up. We were pretty tired at the end of each day. In the six days we were there we basically got the condensed version of what usually takes six months or longer to teach. Some other people asked about it so I'm bringing the books (yes, plural) that we used. My brain is full, can I go home now. LOL