Lok's Memorial


Colorado Staff
I am simply stating in the dream realm here the words i spoke at Loks memorial so those who missed it may hear the words in Lok's memory. Also, during the Ritual of Purity the Romani Ancestors deemed Lok to be as close to a Romani as a man can be without being born with the bloodline.


Lok, Lok was a man of principles, principles he adherd to even in the face of opposition and anger. He spoke his piece, no matter the situation. This is what made him strong, someone to look up too, someone you could believe in. This strength of character persuaded many to take his side, I who am many years older then he was swayed by his charisma and drive. I watched as he grew, always questioning, always demanding the truth and the reason behind things. His death was one of tragedy, but his life will be a shining beacon for the rest of us.

I remember when he was just a little guy, always causing mischief, always questioning his teachers, causing his mother to grey early. I particularly remember this time where some of the local boys were picking on a weaker boy. When he saw this he went up to the lead bully and asked, “Why are you picking on him?”, the bully said “Because he is weak and pitiful”, Lok replied “That is no reason to pick on someone, judge one by their actions not their being” and he promptly woopted those bullies, sending them running.
This sense of righteousness and questioning drove him to become the Captian of the advanced scouts of Harbors Far, and the defacto leader when we were stranded here in a strange land.

Sadly his life is no more, and tragically his death was possibly the worse death one can suffer. To be enslaved, forced to soil his name, turned into a lich against his will, and to have those who did not know him to distrust not only him, but those that called him Brother. His name was shamed undeservedly, a shame based on fear and misunderstanding. He was then slayed without mercy, looted without consideration, personal belongings of no value to anyone but us of Harbors Far taken and not returned.

Lok’s death is a warning, a warning of the evil we face on a day to day basis. Yes, we defeated the Rahksasha, the evil that did this to Lok, but we face many other evils in this world, ones that want to hurt, maim and worst of all strike at our hearts as honorable and noble adventures by turning us against one another, and causing us to doubt and distrust our community. The lesson we must learn things may not always be as they seem, so don’t jump to conclusions,and trust in your fellow man. These are principles we must live by if we expect to continue this fledgling community.

In closing, I believe my brothers and I must continue his example of tolerance, understanding, and friendship. We pledge to continue to fight the good fight, to stand up for whats right and to aid in the growth of our budding community.

With honor, peace and understanding I call upon all of you, friends of Lok, friends of Harbors Far, to participate in the growth of our community, a community that has helped hold the line against the corrupt, and perhaps someday push that line back.

May Lok guide us as we continue done this harrowing path of adventure, sacrifice and hope.