Long event?


We are running over the idea of doing a long event next summer. 7day, 9day, whatever works... but we want to know that our PC base is interested. So with that being said... COMMENT AWAY!

Incredibly interested. Bring back the long events from old. And might I suggest this goes someplace more public, as well, being as many out-of-towners might be interested in PNP'ing, thereby making the endevour financially sound.

Woot! long event!
I'm game and would be happy to give you guys a break in the middle of the week and run stuff for a day or two.
count me in....I mean as a teacher what else do i have to do all summer!!!!!!!!!

When would it be? If we are talking about next summer, I would be super interested, but couldn't do it during the other seasons because of school.
it would certainly be during the summer, unfortunetely enough the best time to do it is also one of the hottest months... june...

June is never that bad imo. Its hot but its not hot enough to not make it worth it! I know I for sure would come to this event. If you need help with donations or anything at all for the event let me know. I would LOVE to see a long SoMI event :).

Long event? Man I havent done a 9day since I was a teenager. I would be intrested in it for next year.

Provided I have enough notice and work cooperates...I would LOVE it!
I'm an out of towner, and while you guys are usually a -little- too far for me to visit (live in Minneapolis, MN... that's at least 10 hours to the southern edge of MI) a long event would totally be something I would come visit for!
I am interested, if work cooperates and such. I might be even interested in being tapped to help runn some stuff with the plot team as well. (I have a little experience in that :D ) Traverse ran a 7 day event a couple of years ago and I could give some pointers on things I learned from it, pitfalls and all that. If you need me just holler.

I bet quite a few of us from MN would come visit for a week long event! (me included) :D
anyone worked out a tentative budget for it yet?
Unfortunately nothing just yet. We are in the process of finding another camp to do it at, seeing as ours is apparently popular as can be. As soon as more information is available it will be posted.

I plan on taking summer classes, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay for the whole thing, it depends on where the campsite is (because I might just leave for class and come back when I'm done) and whether or not I feel comfortable with skipping a couple classes. Please keep me posted.
how much would a 7 day event cost?
i would be interested if i could get off of school for it, cause i could totally get the time off of work