Lookin' for some people!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hi there! I'm Silp!

I hope everybody has been having a good enough winter! Mine's been cold and snowy, because winter is like that. I guess everybody's has been like that, though, since you live here, too. I just don't like it. At least it's a bit warmer in Ephraim than when I just wander around the woods.

Anyway, I'm looking for a couple people, and you guys usually know more people than I do so I thought I'd ask you!

First: Does anyone know about any Celestial Biatas that might be somewhere? I'm looking for a certain one, but I don't know which one, but I figure there can't be too many of them anyway since I think you guys told me it's bad for Biatas to do Celestial stuff. So yeah, if you know about any Celestial Biatas, you should let me know, 'cause they might be the one that has the thing I'm looking to get from them!

Second: Does anyone know about any old people with gray beards that walk around with a cane with a little dragon head on top? I'm looking for a certain one of those, too. I came across him not too long ago and he talked at me for like ten seconds before he just disappeared, and I want to see if I can talk to him for longer. Like, long enough for me to say hi, 'cause I didn't even get to do that before he was gone! He seemed nice, but it was sure spicious of him to just go away like that, so I figured I'd try to find him so maybe we could continue talking. I like talking to people!

So yeah, if you know any Celestial Biatas or old beardy people with funny canes, you should let me know!

~ Silp

I too meet the older gentleman you spoke of! My visit seems to be just as brief as yours, and he too seemed to disappear into thin air!

I agree on your assessment that he seemed nice, he had a kind smile and said exactly what I needed to hear at the moment I saw him!

If you find him I too would like to speak with him, at least thank him for the words of encouragement.

Anyone else see this man or know who it is by description?

In Service,
Handmaiden to Duchess Fairfax
Okay this is weird as sh1t. I met that guy too... What the hell? He was wearing a green cloak when I saw him on the docks of Arbor. However for me he had a wooden cane, not a fancy dragon one. Definitely had a grey beard though, and he definitely disappeared out of thin air after talking to me. Weird. I wasn't going to think much of it, but now that we've all met this same man, I'm sort of interested.

I knew a Celestial Biata once, although I killed him and put him back in the Graveyard of the Four Winds, so it is probably not the one you're looking for Silp.

Also, since it seems like we're all asking questions here, do either of you know of an Edgar Saban? I am looking to get in touch with him.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
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It is sorta weird that we all ran into this guy, he said something, then just disappeared, though I guess it's not too weird for him to do that. After all, if you were an old man with a big beard that could vanish when you wanted to, wouldn't you spend your days just finding people, saying nice but vague stuff at them, and disappearing before they could react? I imagine it's a pretty great pastime for him! Maybe if I can get good at moving through the trees, I'll start popping out, saying things to whoever's nearby, then go back into the tree again and do it again somewhere else!

But maybe people will think that's weird. People will probably start talking about me being some mysterious guy that does that. Hey, it'd sorta be like how we're talking right now about the beardy guy!

But yeah, I don't think that the Biata you're thinking about is the one I'm looking for, Banradi, but thanks! I think the one I'm looking for is still alive, plus someone already talked to me about how they think they found the one I need, so everything's looking great!

Oh, and I've met Edgar Saban before! He's in charge of some ships on the ocean I think, and I think he lives on Cal La Dorne if you're trying to find him. He's nice, and I like his voice. I think you'll like him, too!

~ Silp
Define celestial biata
Because a biata that uses celestial magic is no biata at all.

Goodman 'Roff,

I understand that a biata casting Celestial magic piratically screams impossible, yet I have seen this happen. Strange and unique things happen everyday yet, I suspect this is no miracle and something forced and therefore wrong. If you have further questions, please send me a pigeon.

Lady Liddia FallingStar