Looking ahead


Today I come before all of you during our time of rest. The corrupt lines have pulled back, allowing us time to rebuild and fortify. Our fields are being emptyed and worked for the coming winter. Our stores are full, our spirits high. This time of year is one of celebration. It is not a time to let ones guard down however. We are still plagued with constant bandit problems. The undead, though fewer in number thanks to your brave fight against these Forsaken, never sleep and never tire. And, the corrupt, they will return and with renewed vigor.

Today I look out across these lands and look ahead to the coming days and nights. I have a simple request, a request that is perhaps to great for many of you to have thought possible. Now, I know that some of the groups that come each market day have a great level of power. I have seen it first hand my first evening with you all. I also know that there are many a number of us who wish for the continued defense of our land who do not have any where near such power. These are people that are willing to give their lives for the lives of all who dwell in our lands. What I ask, is that anyone who has any items of power that, simply are not needed for themselves any longer, or they could survive without, consider passing these on to your brothers in arms. I am fortunate enough to have been gifted with the powers of magic, and am not seeking such items for my self, but there are several who have not been given such gifts.

For anyone who is willing to consider this, please speak with me privately and we can work out any details needed. If I had the coin to spare, I would be happy to compensate those who find it in them to help me in this, but my pockets are not as deep as I would wish them to be.

I know this is within you all. I have seen you all at your bests. Our short time in that other land brought out great comradery. I remind you all that our current fight is just as grim. Remember this in the coming nights.

Fredrick Crawford

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I want to make sure I very clearly understand your meaning.

You're asking those adventurers that have laid their life on the line in defense of Gaden against its greatest threats, those that have traveled to Gaden as well, in its time of need, to give up the tools they use to survive? I may speak for myself, but I know the opinion is shared - no. I've earned the tools I have. I've sacrificed for the right to bear those tools. I've lost part of my spirit in defense of your homeland, spent my own coin to the point of not having money to eat to ensure that your tavern is protected with a Haven of the Living, aided others in attuning their tools to Gaden, while having none done myself... and you ask I give up what little I have? I may appear to have a horde of magical trinkets, but that is false - I just am learned in both schools of magic, and utilize scrolls liberally. Anyone can utilize scrolls with a little knowledge, and it makes an adventurer more effective. If you want a magical trinket, and you don't have one - purchase one. If you don't have the coin to purchase one - go out and earn your coin, and put your neck on the line. Don't put your hand out and expect to be handed the tools. That shows nothing but cowardice, rather than stepping up and fighting, and earning the coin to afford the tools.

Also, I must say one of your statements is a bald-faced lie:

I am fortunate enough to have been gifted with the powers of magic...

You were not "gifted" with magic. You chose to learn magic. Anyone can learn magic. It may take others more effort, but it is possible. It is a personal choice each person must make. Do not think you are better than those that choose not to learn to innately channel the energies around them, as you choose to portray yourself. I've learned this lesson the hard way, and I ask you to reflect on this, and hopefully learn this lesson the easy way, rather than the way I did, which included the fracturing of my spirit.

I will be in Gaden, to defend your homeland once again, in a little over three weeks. I am happy to talk to you then if you'd prefer, and even talk to you about tactical casting, or, if you'd prefer, give you tips on how to educate others regarding magic.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,

Eric Marsters
Order of Shadow's Light
Brother Eric,

I fought at your side and am deeply saddened that you would take my words in such a manor. I was in no way telling anyone what to do with their items. I was simply asking that anyone who was willing to part with something to put a bit of though into it.

Now, as for my abilities, see them as you wish but to me, they are a gift. Do not call me a lire because your views on the mater differ.

-Fredrick Crawford
matrim1985 said:
Brother Eric,

I fought at your side and am deeply saddened that you would take my words in such a manor. I was in no way telling anyone what to do with their items. I was simply asking that anyone who was willing to part with something to put a bit of though into it.

Now, as for my abilities, see them as you wish but to me, they are a gift. Do not call me a lire because your views on the mater differ.

-Fredrick Crawford


Please, do not call me Brother. The Brotherhood of which I was a part of in Wayside has joined with the Earth Guild of Wayside, and as such, I no longer am a Brother. Perhaps again, at some point in the future, but not now.

As for your sadness, I am glad you feel that way. I felt insulted when I read your words, after having others that were infuriated by them come to me, and ask that I wait at least one night's rest before responding, as my passion can sometimes drive me to rash acts. If you feel there are those that have not already given all they can, perhaps you should be approaching them, instead of making public declarations, acting like you want to prey on the sympathy of more experienced adventurers, while those adventurers are the very ones trying to ensure more than anyone, that the newest of adventurers survive the night, have the tools they need, and are fairly compensated for their deeds.

Finally, when it comes to your abilities - you can see your affinity for magic as a gift. Magic, by its very nature, is a skill. I can attest to this as probably the most knowledgeable adventurer when it comes to magic, as a formalist for Earth magics, and a master of Celestial magic through the seventh circle of power. Magic is the skill to channel energy, from either the celestial bodies above, or from Fortannis below, and shape it to your will. I can understand how a young adventurer may think it's a gift to be able to manipulate the world around them, to call forth elements or to heal wounds with but a thought. However, I'm sorry to inform you, that the ability to cast magic is not a gift. It is a learned skill. For you, it may have been easy. However, you are not as unique as you think. Don't think yourself otherwise. Once you are as knowledgeable as I am with Earth magic, with either school, then you can refute me on this fact. Until then, sir, you simply do not know of which you speak, and would be better served keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool, than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,

Eric Marsters
Order of Shadow's Light
EricMarsters said:
As for your sadness, I am glad you feel that way. I felt insulted when I read your words, after having others that were infuriated by them come to me, and ask that I wait at least one night's rest before responding, as my passion can sometimes drive me to rash acts. If you feel there are those that have not already given all they can, perhaps you should be approaching them, instead of making public declarations, acting like you want to prey on the sympathy of more experienced adventurers, while those adventurers are the very ones trying to ensure more than anyone, that the newest of adventurers survive the night, have the tools they need, and are fairly compensated for their deeds.


We've spoken a few times together, and yet never did I get the impression of you that I am seeing here. It's one thing to speak for yourself, giving an answer as you (and possibly others you've spoken to) would; however it's an entirely different thing to speak of a request such as this as being insulting as if an adventurer's inexperience was to blame for some sort of stupidity in their actions and desires. Before I go on, I should first remind you that in being a part of such organizations as you pointed out, your words are also a reflection of *them*. You represent those you are a part of with every derogatory blow you speak towards those who wish to do what is right. As such, I'm finding it harder and harder to put my own faith in you or any of such organizations as I might have before.

To explain further,
As I understand it, Fredrick does not wish to call out anyone who may or may not be giving it their all in the defense of all those under siege and hostilities. Instead, he wanted to provide an anonymous source for which any could pass on anything *they* wanted to to others that might have outgrown such tools. I, myself, despite being more new to the community than a lot of others actually have a few such items that I would deem qualify for such distribution. I would also like to note that you have *no right* to say that I am not allowed to take part in such an proposal, nor that it is ignorant or insulting to offer it in the first place. If you have no such items due to your giving everything you have already, then simply respond (if you have to respond at all) that you have already done so, thanking the person in question for offering such a helping hand to those less fortunate. Last I checked, that's exactly what those trained in the Earthen magicks do every time they heal another. A blow goes bad, or a comrade is standing in the line of fire; this doesn't mean that they should be more careful, this simply means they *need help*. In the same way, even in my limited time, I've seen great deeds go unrewarded, and huge investments gain valuable information to which they were not compensated for. These people normally do not ask for such compensation, either.

So, I'd like to apologize for this, Sir Eric, but to me your views seem completely self-serving. If you've given all you have, people will see that. No one's forcing you to give anything more. In fact, there's also nothing saying that some tool would not find its way to you so that you might better be able to spread the light in these times of darkness. I would also like you to spread this to anyone else that came to you about being upset by this request. Selfishness is one of the ugliest things I can really think of, and it's getting harder to find anything beautiful to experience anymore.

If you have nothing to give, whether you prefer to keep the tools you possess, or you have nothing you can spare, or whatever your personal case may be, simply don't accept the offer. That's all that was ever asked of you. Others might, and you have no right to refuse them that right. After all, if it's a bad idea, the simple truth with expose itself when no one accepts instead of someone who I would hold in rather high regard lowers themselves in such a way to attempt to force this conclusion unnaturally.

EricMarsters said:
Finally, when it comes to your abilities - you can see your affinity for magic as a gift. Magic, by its very nature, is a skill. I can attest to this as probably the most knowledgeable adventurer when it comes to magic, as a formalist for Earth magics, and a master of Celestial magic through the seventh circle of power. Magic is the skill to channel energy, from either the celestial bodies above, or from Fortannis below, and shape it to your will. I can understand how a young adventurer may think it's a gift to be able to manipulate the world around them, to call forth elements or to heal wounds with but a thought. However, I'm sorry to inform you, that the ability to cast magic is not a gift. It is a learned skill. For you, it may have been easy. However, you are not as unique as you think. Don't think yourself otherwise. Once you are as knowledgeable as I am with Earth magic, with either school, then you can refute me on this fact. Until then, sir, you simply do not know of which you speak, and would be better served keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool, than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

I don't see how this is relevant to the topic at hand *at all*. To me, this furthers your own belittlement, as you seek to solidify your position as being right by finding a position of higher authority (a teacher) to speak from. If there is a lesson you wish to teach, I would please ask that you talk privately with the party in question should such party wish to accept knowledge on the subject. That is the difference between teaching and preaching. If you sincerely intended to pass on such life experiences without attempting to use such a lesson to further your own stance in this debate, I apologize, however this is how you have made yourself out to look. In order to keep yourself in a higher level of respect, both with myself and the others that look up to you, I would ask that you be more careful in the future. In such a leadership role as you hold, as I'm sure you are aware, your every action is constantly being criticized. I do hope that this does not have lingering effects.

In closing, this idea, to my knowledge, is not meant to be insulting. Rather, it is a way for those not given the prior opportunity to assist their fellow comrade so that we all might be more ready to tackle the coming challenges that will undoubtedly plague the days ahead. It is not calling anyone out, nor is this here for those who would seek notoriety or compensation for their actions and deeds here. If Fredrick is not a person who those would trust with such a task due to inexperience or whatever the case, that is another issue entirely. I merely ask that this idea be left to resolve in whatever way it will, instead of being stomped into the darkness of oblivion. Goodness knows there's a drastic shortage of good ideas around, and it's no help if those that might have them see the consequences of perceived failure and are afraid to even voice their own.

-Lore Sunskith
Lore Sunskith? Who that? Does Gorka know you? Gorka see lots of moody melodramatic men.

Older Brother of mine Eric is touchy sometimes. Don't worry he just insulted at the implied that he not provide and contribute to greater good. And Eric is a bit emotional, I think middle brother not feel as loved some times.

And Fredrick is just worried and feeling like we could use many resources in town and asking for it. Also Gorka think that Fredrick is feeling little powerless and unsupported. But Fredrick powerful, remember Node that without his skills us less seasoned adventures would have never defeated? Fredrick was able to read the scrolls out of my family's Node killing time book. Fredrick saved lives. Gorka like helping to provide resources, epically when help save lives.

Gorka not Know Lore so well, and Gorka think Lore not Know Eric so well ether. Public talk not change Eric, only make him more stubborn. But Gorka Think Lore see his friend being Challenged and want to defend. Gorka understands, when Friend is fighting you fight along side and defend them.

All sides say and work towards same thing, Rid this county, and then all these sheltered lands, of corrupt, To protect innocents and the ones they love, and To Make new friends.

- Gorka
Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild
Stag Champion and Protector
Guardian of Flame
Order of Shadow's Light
Cousin to Deputy York
To all and sundry,

Everyone here has valid points. I think that perhaps everyone needs to remember that when we communicate in this medium it is very easy to miss-understand the intention of other's requests or responses. PLEASE why don't we all try to take a deep breath and not draw massive over-blown wide sweeping assumptions. That said I will respond to a few specific points that I think perhaps both sides may be miss-understanding.

I believe personally that Fredrick did not mean for his request to sound like 'I would like to ask other more experienced/traveled adventurers to sell their valuable treasure to those who have less'. However Fredrick I would say that your initial request sounded very vague and could have been understood to mean that. Furthermore yes if no one want to take your deal they simply don't have to. However there is a degree to which the longer standing/older adventurers do not wish to be pigeon holed as 'greedy and un-giving' because they usually are unlikely to sell or give powerful magic items and/or treasurers just because they might not always be using them. I believe that Eric was simply trying to say that a request such as he understood yours to sound like was fairly un-common and unusual and not the way adventurers typically deal with treasure. I would add that while it is admirable to want to try new ways of doing thing and fresh spirit is a great thing to bring to any adventuring community it is also important to try and observe the ways that those who have been fighting and adventuring for longer act and deal with community issues such as splitting and using treasure.

That said I would personally agree that I think some of Eric's words were a bit harsh. Like I said earlier it is easy for the way we say things in these dream realms because there is a lack of visual ques in communication to sound/be interpreted much worse. I never think that we would call each other these names in person and lets try to tone down our comments a little. We need to try and all respect each other a little bit more and there is no need to go around name calling and telling each other we are fools in public in the dreams and/or posts on tavern walls. Quite frankly name calling and drawing sweeping conclusions simply makes ALL such actively communicative adventures look like 'children' shouting names at each other and everyone saying 'their own way' is the best.

I don't want to try and 'come down' on either 'side' here as saying the other is entirely wrong. However I want to ask everyone to perhaps try a bit harder to understand how the other sees this conversation and situation and/or request. But I would add that years of experience do give knowledge and understanding that is important for all to at least hear and learn from, even if we develop our own ways and modes of thinking and dealing with treasure or other things.

May we all walk in the calm and cool shade of the trees,
- Taloc
Lore, I was very pleased to see that someone had ready my words carefully. Gorka and Taloc as well.

I do apologies if my message was at all unclear. I will admit that a certain amount of concern were in my words, but that is merely because I have seen and fought this enemy first hand, and it does worry me. Let me make it clear that anyone is more then welcome do donate an item for the town, publicly or privately. If you do not wish to donate anything for any reason at all that is completely fine in my eyes and I would never hold it against anyone to chose not to.

This conversation I feel has drawn out quite a bit and I would like to remind everyone who is reading this for the first time that my goal is to see the town equipped as best as they can be. I do not wish to further my own standing in any way.


When you say something like 'I have seen and fought this enemy first hand' it sounds like you are trying to say that you have some special perspective on the matter or enemy your are talking about. When, quite frankly we have all seen and fought many enemies and certainly the corrupt many times. I don't think you mean it this way but for those of us who have been traveling for longer when we hear newer people speak that way it sounds very presumptuous.

And perhaps one of the things that Eric might not have address but that I would say in response to requests for things to be 'donated to the town' is the ultimate fallacy of such a sentiment. It is very all and well to want things donated or to want to donate stuff 'for the good of the people'. But particularly when it comes to magical items someone has to use them. To be frank the concept of 'the town' is fine when referring to goals and projects that adventurers are working on. However I believe that when referring to the use of particular magical items that can only be used at one time it is inaccurate at best, and downright misleading at worst to hold out a view that 'the town' would be better served by them than those who currently own them.

From my own experience for example I know that whenever Forst Edge members are around we always use our treasure 'for the good of the town'. But this does not mean that we are just going to 'give' it to other people even should we not be present for one gather. I would think that same is true and can be said of many if not all other experienced and/or well equipped adventurers. For example the reason we all auction off powerful magical items or ritual scrolls and split the proceeds so many ways is because only one person can wield these items. Giving some amount of coin to everyone else in exchange for the 'ownership' of magical items is the way we 'share' them in a tangible sense.

Once again I do not wish to curb any excitement or attempts at sharing and working together. However I am simply trying to help explain how some of your requests and statements look to me, and possibly some of the older/more longterms adventurers.

All the peace of the forest be with you,

- Taloc

Honoralbe Taloc, you do speak with wisdom beyond your years, your perspective is appreciated.

To Lore, rarely have I ever seen anyone desperately try so hard to prove that their point was the right one.

To everyone else, let it be known that I have and always will support Eric fully; on countless occasions he has sacrificed of himself for the good of the many. His tone may have been perceived as harsh, but his words were true.

Furthermore, from what I have seen in the lands of Gaden is that the adventuring populace works together, listens to each other, and can surmount any challenge. One of the reasons for this is relationships. By building relationships with other adventurers you are not just making new allies, but your new allies are also likely to use their abilities to help you if you are in trouble. This is our single greatest asset against any foe.

A word of counsel to Lore, Frederick, and any other new adventurers. Adventuring is inherantly a hazerdous profession; there is a reason seasoned adventurers exist. They do not only posess strong spirits, but they have built these relationships. By slandering or provoking others, or embracing an entitlement attitude reflects negatively on you and hinders the establishment of new and strong relationships.

Class dismissed.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel