Looking for a Bed


I will be needing a bed, to sleep in, in about ten days time. I don't need anything fancy, I don't take up much space, so I can share a bed or sleep under a table with some furs or blankets. It gets a lot colder here than where I was before, I do not want to keep sleeping outside. I will not take your things, I have my own things already.

If you are still looking for somewhere, we have room near the gypsies. We enjoy loud parties and colourful clothes, but if this doesn't bother you, you are welcome to lay your bedroll beside ours.
I remember you, Praska, I slept with you and Killian and Poxy and some other people in Iron Falls. Parties are very good, clothes are, I think they say, "a necessary evil" but in this cold weather they are very good, too. I will sleep with the gypsies, then. I will see you then, Prashka.
