Looking for a Box Tender


So, i've been thinking about ways I can help lately and I think I know what I want to do. Killeat was nice enough to let me have a cauldron of healing recipe that I'm going to make next gathering, and I'm gonna add to that a bunch of alchemical elixirs too I think to make a big vat of healing stuff. I've got enough money that I can probably afford to do that without charging anyone.

I'm hoping for someone that's willing to tend to a town box of healing, your only job will be to pass out the potions when needed and to tell me when it runs low, plus make sure the box doesn't get lost of course. As long as I have money I'm going to refill it as best I can outside of orders, or even before orders if it gets empty.

Maybe this way I can help out some, because I hate the idea that people think I'm not helping like I used to, I don't think I'm acting any different...but maybe I am...I dunno I've been doing a lot of traveling so maybe that's it.

Anyway, is there someone willing to help? I can pay you some coins I think...


I would be more than willing to tend to this box of healing.

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe
Jonathan already tends to Gorka's box of healing. Maybe you should work with him instead of doubling up.

I'd be happy to do that too, but I had no idea Johnathon did that, do enough people know about it?

As I primarily carry cure light wounds potions, I move primarily among newer adventurers. They are most often in need of the few curatives I have to offer. To avoid the controversy that the box carried last time, I have been avoiding asking for donations. As a result, I'm not shocked that you aren't aware of my humbler operation. I hope you weren't insinuating that I was remiss in my duties, but if you were, I apologize. I'm not entirely used to the role of healer. I would love to work with you on a town box.
Okay! I'll see what I can get mixed up for you to make sure that box is filled! I probably don't hear about it because I'm usually offering the same thing anyway I guess.
