Looking for a Library


Thanks to everyone that I met this last gathering, especially those who helped me get my ritual together, I'm really happy to have that in case I need it. I was hoping that maybe someone could point me in the direction of one of the library's I've heard about, specifically one that has a good amount of material kind of books. I've got a couple of weeks before I need to head back to Barran I think and i'd really like to see if someone has written things down about crafting with this material essense stuff.

I can pay if that's what's usually fair for that kinda information....

As far as I am aware, below are the Libraries availble:

Dwarfholme University's Library in the Brotherly Cities, the Barony of Dwarfholme, the County of Dwarfholme, the Duchy of Eastland.
Ravenswood Public Library in the city of Ravenswood, the Barony of Ravenswood, the County of Brunston, the Duchy of Eastland.
The Old Capital Library in the Old Capitol City, the Barony of Koroshi, the County of Augustus, the Duchy of Eastland.
The Library at Three Wells, in the City of Three Wells, in the Barony of Chesterdell, the County of Brunston, the Duchy of Eastland

Since we just stayed in Asyl, the Library at Three Wells would be the closes Library to maximize your study time. From there, the Ravenswood Public Library might not be a bad choice. The Old Capital Library is near Valbourgh, which is essentially across the whole of the Eastlands. Im sure Banrotti or Al would be able to give you the Wayfarer code to Valbourgh so you could get to this Library quicker.

Unfortunately, I do no know the detailed information that each one of these Libraries specializes in. For your idea of mixing elemental essences with crafting, I would either start with Ravenswood or the Library at Three Wells and see what they have to say. Maybe the Librarians there could even point you in the direction of other Libraries that specialize in that.

Good Luck.


PS - No need to pay; Helping people is what the Vitrium Ordinance is about!
If I may be of some assistance, the library in the Barony of Dwarfholme had an extensive collection of information on working and crafting of materials. I skimmed several volumes before finding a fascinating book on where to find minerals of a rarer nature. Here's to hoping they have the kinds of information that you seek.

Ardos Irani
Vitrium Ordinance