Looking for a little help



Normally I'm the guy giving out rides, or helping people but the job I was supposed to start this coming Monday fell through. Time wise, I have no issue making it to game this Sunday, however, financially it would be irresponsible for me to spend $50 on gas and tolls to drive there from Sacramento until I have some sort of income stream.

That being said, I'm not expecting any handouts, but, if you would all like to see your crazy Gypsy out there on Sunday, and you are willing to throw some cash my way, hit me up via message, or Facebook, or whatevs. If enough people pitch in a few bucks to pretty much cover my costs, I would love to see and annoy all of you! Perhaps I can even owe you in game, like, you helped fix my carriage or whatnot. I'm not a bad guy to have owe you a favor!

Isaac aka Resete
and this community is so awesome that I am covered! Thank you to all those who helped!

Isaac aka Reset