Looking for a name



Can someone give me the name of the Sarr woman who fought alongside of us to protect the trapper while we were in the Grasslands this weekend?

Again, if anyone can get me this woman's name, I would appreciate it. Maybe more details would help.

She wore a brown hood and she had a yellow sash around her waist.
She's relatively short with orange and white fur on her face, black spots, and medium length brown hair.
She fought with her claws and seemed to be a skilled Earth mage.

You mean Ping? She seemed nice enough dunno if she has a last name though

I am fairly certain zhat Briar vas not referring to Ping, or vhatever her name vas. Zhough I do not recall her name, I do believe zhat zhe sarr voman in question vas von of zhe sarr chieftains or elders, and zhat she fought vith us in our battle to destroy zhe node. I remember specifically zhat she vas quite skilled in zhe magic of zhe earth. I also recall zhat she spoke vith more zhan a few of zhe adventurers zhroughout zhe day on various matters. I hope zhis helps to jog somevon's memory.

Roy Gallentine
Me also need name of human that be very good at make big boom! Me promise remember him and what he do, but me forget his name for tell others. His wife be Dwarf who cook food for us. Me forget her name too. So any name of anyone we met in Grasslands be good to know... anyone have list or something?

-Cho Ko Nu
Wow you forgot the name of the person you PROMISED not to forget? I thought I was harsh.

Me will keep promise even if it take me pay Deoman travel back to Grasslands and ask Dwarf tavernkeeper herself! Me remember his deed and him as person, but no remember his name.

-Cho Ko Nu
AllianceCHI said:
Wow you forgot the name of the person you PROMISED not to forget? I thought I was harsh.


Two words: Sir Westgard. ;)

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

That seems fair, tell me what he did in great detail at the market day.


I remember.
