Looking for a place to call home

Alex W

Hey everyone! I'm Alex, I'm incredibly new to larping and alliance. I went to my first larp event ever this past August at alliance Gettysburg but being from Ohio the drive out there is a little farfetched if I'm going to keep doing this for a hobby. I just wanted to know more about the southern Michigan chapter and what you guys are all about. Some general questions are...

How many do you guys usually have?(PC's and NPC's)
How long does your season run?
How easy is it to transfer a character? (currently have a lvl 4,maybe 5, barbarian at Gettysburg)
What facilities do you guys generally have at events?
Any information is welcome so any advice or info you think might be relevant to your chapter or for someone knew to larping and alliance in general. I'd love words of wisdom from those more experienced than I.

Much love and I hope this could be a place for me to fit in!
Hi Alex! Welcome to Alliance! My name's Ian, and I run logistics for South Michigan (SoMI). Here's a few answers to your questions!

1) We usually have 20-30 people at our events, with 5-7 dedicated NPCs. We usually get a lot of people from out of town too, since the Traverse City and Chicago chapters are close by! It makes for really cool cross-chapter conversations/learning about what's happening in other places.
2) Our season runs from about April to November, with an average of about 5 weekend events.
3) Transferring a character is SUPER easy! All you'd have to do is send an email to Gettysburg and tell them that you'd like to transfer your character to the South Michigan chapter. Their logistics head will then email me your character sheet, and I'll put you in our system! That's it. :)
4) Our campsite has a full kitchen with heat and electricity, showers, bathrooms, and a number of cabins with bunks/mattresses.

My advice to you would be to not be afraid and to reach out to people both IG and OOG. Our player base is incredibly friendly and is always willing to give advice or just help you figure out what's going on in the world. Our plot team is really good at this too! Between events you can send them IBGAs (In Between Game Actions), which help you to really immerse yourself in the game. You can find out more about them on this thread.

I'd also suggest you read our player's guide! It's super useful and a great way to start familiarizing yourself!

Hope to see you around! Here's some more contact information as well:

Plot Team (Chad, Travis, Chris, John, Wes, Zach): plot@nextyearsplot.com
Logistics (Me): somilogsitics@gmail.com
Owner/GM (John and Alison): southmichiganalliance@gmail.com
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